Share Your Meals & Snack Suggestions

We all come to a point where we just get STUCK on what meals we should have for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or just a simple snack. So here we can all share different meals and snacks that we consume that can help towards reaching our goal.

What are some of YOUR suggestions for others?


  • adimeadance
    adimeadance Posts: 7 Member
    My diet philosophy is to simply eat the things I like in moderation and incorporate more healthy choices into my daily routine. I'm also an incredibly picky eater so I have a hard time finding healthier alternatives to my usual triggers. I have developed a few good snack options:

    1. I love dippin' stix apple slices b/c they come in handy on-the-go containers and include yogurt, peanut butter or carmel dip for few calories.
    2. I also pack wheat thins around with me so if I get hungry I can snack on a few. One serving lasts me from mid-morning to mid-afternoon and, again, the calories aren't bad.
    3. Also, in an attempt to incorporate more yogurt (which is really quite healthy) I've started eating yo crunch oreo. I'm not a huge yogurt fan and I HATE yogurt w/ fruit or granola in it (although that is a very healthy option), but I've found that yo crunch is the perfect snack size and satisfies my sweet tooth without being crazy-high in calories.

    All of these things are logged in my diary which you can view if we're friends. I'd watch the sodium and carbs with these suggestions, but I don't go over my goals often and when I do it's within a reasonable amount.
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    I'm so plain and simple and love grab-n-go when I can't cook... so here is a simple list of easy foods to make :P

    1. Tuna Sandwich (I do add Mayo/pickles/pepper sometimes)
    2. Yogurt (love me some yogurt!)
    3. String Cheese (I LOVE CHEESE!!!)
    4. Peanut Butter Sandwich (Sometimes I add Nutella and make my "reese sammich")
    5. Oatmeal (I like the maple/brown sugar packet ones)
    6. Healthy Cereals (I love cereal too...)
    7. I stopped drinking normal milk and continued with soy milk (some people don't like it but I think it's so sweet n delicious!!!)

    Those are just a few things :)
  • lobearjw
    JAMBA bars!!!!! Go to your nearest WALMART and get you a box (if you like frozen yogurt on a stick)!!!! :) I'm going this evening to get me some.
    & they are NOT that many calories.
  • colleen_mairead
    colleen_mairead Posts: 36 Member
    Super useful, my favorite breakfast is an English muffin toasted with a fried egg and half a piece of cheese, I think it's a little over 200 calories and I'm full after. Breakfast is always a challenge for me so more often than not its a chobani yogurt with wheat toast and a banana... Or just the yogurt lol. Something I have to work on.

    For lunch I love soups. I don't mind the low calories ones if I add pepper, or a grilled cheese :D
    Salads with grilled chicken are always a great option. I can't seem to get used to light dressings but it's better than what I'm used to eating.

    Since I live at home I usually have one plate of whatever is for dinner and eat it slowlyyyyy.

    If I go out to eat I eat half of my meal and bring the rest home to bring to work.
  • Emery313
    I really love making shakes. They are so simple. You can get a blender for around 20.00 that comes with at o go up that you simply change the lid from blades to just a regular lid so theres no clean up. You can make a shake for the morning or for a snack. Its awesome. When im craving chocolate I use a cup of chocolate soy milk, bananas, and strawberries. Its very yummy. They also have frozen packages from yoplait of frozen fruit with yougrt pieces that you simply put in the blender and your done (these are on the show the biggest loser).
  • Emery313
    Thanks for the site! I saw on the list pears with marshmellow? sounds kinda gross, but yet yummy all at the same time!!
  • Nicolette_Karls
    I don't know about anyone else, but I have a crazy salt craving. To quench it, I take low calorie deli meat (I don't remember the brand but they come in 90 calorie packs), add a little cream cheese to it, then wrap it around a pickle. It sounds a little odd, but it hits that salt craving and is a god amount of food for relatively few calories.
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    I don't know about anyone else, but I have a crazy salt craving. To quench it, I take low calorie deli meat (I don't remember the brand but they come in 90 calorie packs), add a little cream cheese to it, then wrap it around a pickle. It sounds a little odd, but it hits that salt craving and is a god amount of food for relatively few calories.

    Be careful with your sodium intake... I'd do more research before just counting your calories, there are other factors as well to look at.
  • Nicolette_Karls
    I don't know about anyone else, but I have a crazy salt craving. To quench it, I take low calorie deli meat (I don't remember the brand but they come in 90 calorie packs), add a little cream cheese to it, then wrap it around a pickle. It sounds a little odd, but it hits that salt craving and is a god amount of food for relatively few calories.

    Be careful with your sodium intake... I'd do more research before just counting your calories, there are other factors as well to look at.

    I should have mentioned too that I use low sodium pickles, and that this is really only a once or twice a month snack. You're right, though, sodium intake that is too high is bad for your health.
  • CaitlynMC13
    I love Nutella more than I'd like to admit. So as a treat I dip popcorn in Nutella. I just have to measure out a serving of Nutella before I start eating so I don't end up with an empty jar. You know how it goes. I know it sounds kinda weird but my roommate and I swear by it. Especially during exams. So good.
  • FierceFitBeautiful
    Easy, healthy, protein-packed breakfast idea!


    - 1 honey graham cracker
    - 1 cup plain greek yogurt
    - 1/2 cup frozen berries
    - 1/4 cup sugar free syrup

    Comes to 270 calories and 25g of protein, and is delicious!
    It was so good I had to take a picture haha
  • josee91
    josee91 Posts: 6 Member
    My favourites are:
    -apples with peanut butter
    -red seedless grapes
    -guacamole or hummus (I usually make them myself)
    with triscuits or whatever crackers I have
    -experimenting with salads (most of the time it's whatever I have in the fridge, almost always has avocados and nuts or seeds, sometimes its spinach&strawberries, asian-style, etc..)
    -air-popped popcorn (no butter and so much more fun than microwave popcorn!)
    -wraps (again, whatever veggies I have on hand and hummus)

    this isn't a snack on its own but i have to share it. I use this instead of mustard in wraps, burgers, as a dip, etc.
    avocado mustard
    1/2 avocado
    1 tsp prepared mustard
    spices (my favourites are paprika, dill, chili peppers, garlic)

    cut the avocado into a few pieces and add all the other ingredients. Mash away!