Goals for January 2012

What are your goals for January 2012? Let's share!


  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member

    My original goal was just to get back on track from the holidays (I gained 5 pounds). I've been great so far, and I want to get back under 150 for January.
  • angelrn1224
    The holiday 5 can be like the freshmen 15...it sneaks up on you! I believe you can attain your goal without a problem! Congrats on the 31 lbs lost already!!! Woot Woot!
  • angelrn1224
    My goal for January 2012 is to complete cardio and strengthening 5x/week. It's a new year for a new me. I am just starting myfitnesspal and have committed to my first 4 weeks for cardio for 30 minutes at least 3x/wk, weight lifting for 30 minutes at least 2x/wk. End of first week 1.7.12 - Goal met!
  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    That's awesome! I definitely need to get on my game for strength training. Snowboarding season just started so my legs and core are ready to get to work!
  • xMissy6x
    xMissy6x Posts: 347 Member
    my goal is to go to the gym at least twice per week :)
  • angelrn1224
    That is a great goal! Do you go to the gym with a friend?
  • laurabarden
    laurabarden Posts: 79 Member
    My name is Laura. Im an LPN in Arkansas. Currently Im a stay at home mom w 2 boys, ages five and 11month old. Im happily married. I have gained WAY too much weight and let myself get unhealthy. I currently weigh 205lbs and im only 5'2". My immediate goals are to get a healthy routine established. If I can fit into single digit clothing, I dont care about the weight, size 18 is just not acceptable anymore! Ive set a goal to lose 1 lb per week till I reach my goal weight of 125.
  • RobbieKCPhT
    RobbieKCPhT Posts: 42 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm new here! I'm a CPhT in Iowa. I work at a pharmacy inside a GROCERY STORE, and over the past 7 years, I've gained 75 lbs. because its so easy to eat whatever you want. Well, that's ALL ABOUT TO CHANGE! My 1st goal is to lose 50 lbs. When I accomplish that, I'm buying myself a new Coach handbag (because I love them.) My 2nd goal will be to lose another 25 lbs. Not sure what treat I'll get then, perhaps the latest iPad that is available! Anyway, hope you can all help encourage me, and I'll do the same for you! <3
  • johnjohngarcia
    johnjohngarcia Posts: 57 Member
    Hello everyone. I am a RN in Houston TX I am new to my fitness pro. My goal is to loss 15lbs and learn to eat healthy.
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    Hey everyone, I'm a medical technologist working overnights in NJ. I've been on MFP for almost 2 years. 2011 wasn't a great weight loss year for me, however 2010 was. My main goal this year is to get into the 130's finally and maybe even hit my goal of 130. I'm hoping to re-establish a regular work out schedule and get a good balance between running/ training for races, and strength. I also put on a few pounds over the holidays so hopefully when I weigh in tomorrow they will be gone! I worked really hard to get out of the 150's and was so upset to see 154 on Jan. 1st.. Hopefully due to the sodium excess the night before lol.
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    Hey all! I'm a psychiatrist, working at a state psychiatric hospital. Obesity is rampant among my patients and staff, and I'm no exception. I'm a regular poster on the "need to lose 100+ lbs" thread over on the Motivation and Support forum, so I find goals that go with those challenges.

    January: lose 6 lbs, lose inches (I don't care where, but did baseline measurements the other day -- okay, I do care where, hips and belly would be preferable), get the exercise habit and stick to the program when my new workout DVDs arrive (doing Zumba until then). And clean up my house. And start work on getting out of debt.

    Overachiever? Me? Nooooooooo....... :wink:
  • Donnaovercomer
    Donnaovercomer Posts: 55 Member
    Goal for January 2012 is to lose 5-7lbs.
    Bring my own breakfast and lunch to work.
    Cook healthier meals for my family.
    Be consistent with my workouts 3-4 times a week.
  • jrditt
    jrditt Posts: 239 Member
    Hi, I'm a RN getting my masters to be a NP. My goal is to lose that holiday weight and get back on track to my goal. I also want to start heavy lifting because i am tired of not being strong!

    I'm glad i found this group. It's super important as health care members to lead by example!
  • angelrn1224
    My name is Laura. Im an LPN in Arkansas. Currently Im a stay at home mom w 2 boys, ages five and 11month old. Im happily married. I have gained WAY too much weight and let myself get unhealthy. I currently weigh 205lbs and im only 5'2". My immediate goals are to get a healthy routine established. If I can fit into single digit clothing, I dont care about the weight, size 18 is just not acceptable anymore! Ive set a goal to lose 1 lb per week till I reach my goal weight of 125.

    :happy: There's no better time like the present to start, right? Make a small goal for this week and celebrate your success when you have accomplished it! I started out at 282 for a 5'8". In the past, even though I have been successful at losing the weight, I always concentrated on the end result and would get upset when I didn't reach it fast enough. I have re-evaluated my thinking and I want to celebrate my journey to my end result, which is a lifetime of healthier living. You can do it!!
  • angelrn1224
    Hello everyone! I'm new here! I'm a CPhT in Iowa. I work at a pharmacy inside a GROCERY STORE, and over the past 7 years, I've gained 75 lbs. because its so easy to eat whatever you want. Well, that's ALL ABOUT TO CHANGE! My 1st goal is to lose 50 lbs. When I accomplish that, I'm buying myself a new Coach handbag (because I love them.) My 2nd goal will be to lose another 25 lbs. Not sure what treat I'll get then, perhaps the latest iPad that is available! Anyway, hope you can all help encourage me, and I'll do the same for you! <3

    Oh my....If I would have worked at a grocery store, I would have gained 200 lbs! :wink: You sound like you are in the right frame of mind and have a passion to make a change, and get another Coach handbag :love: . What are your smaller goals for January? I would encourage you break them down into weekly goals. Good for you!!
  • angelrn1224
    Hello everyone. I am a RN in Houston TX I am new to my fitness pro. My goal is to loss 15lbs and learn to eat healthy.

    Welcome to our team. I am new to myfitnesspal too and have found I am more aware of what I am eating because I have to log it. Do you have a smaller goal for January for weight loss?
  • angelrn1224
    Hey everyone, I'm a medical technologist working overnights in NJ. I've been on MFP for almost 2 years. 2011 wasn't a great weight loss year for me, however 2010 was. My main goal this year is to get into the 130's finally and maybe even hit my goal of 130. I'm hoping to re-establish a regular work out schedule and get a good balance between running/ training for races, and strength. I also put on a few pounds over the holidays so hopefully when I weigh in tomorrow they will be gone! I worked really hard to get out of the 150's and was so upset to see 154 on Jan. 1st.. Hopefully due to the sodium excess the night before lol.

    2 years on MFP! That's amazing! How has MFP helped to keep you working towards your goals? What kind if races do you like to run? I agree, excess sodium is not a friend to me either! LOL :noway: What are your goals for January?
  • angelrn1224
    Hey all! I'm a psychiatrist, working at a state psychiatric hospital. Obesity is rampant among my patients and staff, and I'm no exception. I'm a regular poster on the "need to lose 100+ lbs" thread over on the Motivation and Support forum, so I find goals that go with those challenges.

    January: lose 6 lbs, lose inches (I don't care where, but did baseline measurements the other day -- okay, I do care where, hips and belly would be preferable), get the exercise habit and stick to the program when my new workout DVDs arrive (doing Zumba until then). And clean up my house. And start work on getting out of debt.

    Overachiever? Me? Nooooooooo....... :wink:

    I hear you on the over 100+ lbs to lose...but I am owning each and every pound and will say good-bye to each one with zest! :drinker: I love your plan of care for yourself for January, very specific. I love Zumba and plan to do it today before an afternoon football game.

    I think you are set for a positive month!
  • angelrn1224
    Goal for January 2012 is to lose 5-7lbs.
    Bring my own breakfast and lunch to work.
    Cook healthier meals for my family.
    Be consistent with my workouts 3-4 times a week.

    Excellent goals!!! I am going to add in bringing a lunch to work. I have the best intentions, but as I am scrambling in the morning to get out the door....I tend to forget. Looking forward to your success!
  • angelrn1224
    Hi, I'm a RN getting my masters to be a NP. My goal is to lose that holiday weight and get back on track to my goal. I also want to start heavy lifting because i am tired of not being strong!

    I'm glad i found this group. It's super important as health care members to lead by example!

    School plus healthcare....ambition! I just finished my MSN in October with UoP. Now that I am done, I can see where I used school as my crutch as to why I didn't eat healthy, exercize, or rest enough. How far along are you in your masters program? Good for you for reaching out for your healthcare goals! :smile: