It's my wedding and I can be jealous if I want to

hillm12345 Posts: 313 Member
My sisters wedding was in December. I have been engaged since August but trying not to make a big deal out of it until her wedding was over so she could have her day.

Great... so friday she calls me and guess what?!? she's pregnant. due 3 weeks before my wedding.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not jealous of the pregnancy.. I wouldn't WANT to be pregnant now with my wedding later this year.. but C"MON REALLY?!?! she's SUPPOSED to be my matron of honor, but now with the baby and not knowing anything about money she's not even going to make my bridal shower. Worst of all, if she has complications or a C section, she can't make the wedding AT ALL!

and to make matters even worse.. every time I talk to my parents about wedding stuff... they say uh.. ok well baby baby baby...
It's just a really big shame considering my sister was my best friend.

UGH whatever i'm done


  • TNTwedell
    TNTwedell Posts: 277 Member
    I'll just agree with you that sucks - hardcore.
    I would be just as pissed off - and probably pout & then drink a ton (dont do that - hahaha) at least the drinking part ;)
    I try to be an adult as often as possible - but this would just send me over the edge of frustration too.
    Dont you just want to scream, ITS MY TURN!

    Even knowing that she didnt do it on purpose (at least - gosh - i hope not) thats insanely bad timing.
    Just try to remember that your wedding is about you and your man. Whether anyone else is around, excited, involved or not, at the end of the day, it doesnt matter.

    As for the bridal shower - on the brightside, you might not want her to come - cause then it might turn into an improptu baby shower.
    Sorry love - xo
  • cantobean
    cantobean Posts: 287 Member
    I don't know, to me this sounds like a dream situation. You'll have the spotlight on your day, I promise. And in the meantime, everyone will just LAY OFF you and worry about your sis. Am I the only bride who is tired of all the fuss/questions/advice/gushing from family and friends? I mean, I appreciate all the love, but I don't like being the center of attention ALL THE TIME, especially when so many of my wedding details are not yet determined....I could really use someone to get pregnant and take the pressure off me!

    After the initial joy, I'm sure your sis is going to get tired about people giving her baby advice, judging her every baby decision, touching her belly and that sort of thing. I'll bet she'll be eager to put the attention back on you!

    It stinks that your sis can't make the shower, but just keep hoping she'll be there for the wedding (and, if she's not, that will suck BIG TIME...but there's nothing anyone can do). In the meantime, surround yourself with people who ARE completely stoked about your big day (bridesmaids?) and have fun! You and your sister are both going through amazing times in your lives and I'm sure someday you'll look back on this time together and smile.
  • baypathgradLyns
    baypathgradLyns Posts: 639 Member
    that is definately a sucky situation...hang in there!!!!

    I'm sure you will still be in the spotlight though! :)

    My sister made it clear to me (as she got engaged about 9 months ago, and her wedding is EXACTLY 9 months after mine) that I am NOT NOT NOT allowed to get pregnant on our honeymoon or prior to her
  • hillm12345
    hillm12345 Posts: 313 Member
    that is definately a sucky situation...hang in there!!!!

    I'm sure you will still be in the spotlight though! :)

    My sister made it clear to me (as she got engaged about 9 months ago, and her wedding is EXACTLY 9 months after mine) that I am NOT NOT NOT allowed to get pregnant on our honeymoon or prior to her

    I honestly don't think she did it on purpose... she was actually a little worried that it would take her a few months to get pregnant so she was more concerned that she wouldn't be able to drink at my wedding. LOL

    And I can't begrudge her a baby and happiness and I'm excited that they are excited.. but unfortunately I fear that if this baby keeps her from participating in/attending my wedding it will cause a gigantic rif in our relationship.. we've been talking about this for YEARS! I've never had a child so I can't say whether or not she will be ready to travel 3 weeks after the baby is born..
  • tabatha_burris
    I wouldnt worry to much about the tavel thing I planed to go to the beach a week after I had my daughter!! She ended up coming early so it was 2 weeks but still I went and had a blast!! but I didnt have a c section hopefully she wont have one eather :happy: I gotta say the situation would bother me too but I got pregnant when both of my sister in laws were getting married lol but noone was all over me about being pregnant since it was my second. The sad thing is they got married a couple months apart I would of put my wedding off so I would of had my own year lol wait I did hahaha but now watch one of them will get pregnant lol