Weight loss in tall women vs short women



  • KristalDawnO
    KristalDawnO Posts: 154 Member
    You know what? We can still turn heads packing this weight around! Lets see some lil shawty pull that off hehe
  • hamburgerthighs
    hamburgerthighs Posts: 16 Member
    I'm 5'11 and I have a small frame with very little muscle tone, so I store a lot of body fat before it becomes noticeable. I had to lose almost 30lbs before anyone noticed. I'm tired of explaining BMI instead of weight as a better measure of fitness. If I have to hear one more person say, "but you are tall" ONE MORE TIME!!!!! I'm prob going to freak out.
  • benevempress
    benevempress Posts: 136 Member
    My whole adult life I've wanted to be a size 8. Never has happened. I'm now a 10 and resigning myself that I'm not likely to get smaller. (Age 48, 5'10" and 148 pounds) I saw this on another thread and wanted to scream "It's not fair!"
    I'm 5'1" 180lbs, hourglass shape but not sure of my current measurments

    I hate how much sizes vary from brand to brand! I have a wide range in my closet but 12 is my go-to size right now and I'm hoping to be in a size 10 after I drop another 5ish lbs. I'll probably always wear a L top because I'm a DD cup and don't seem to lose much weight in that area very quickly. >:)

    First, 5 pounds to drop a size? Second, if I put on 27-32 pounds there is no way I would still wear a 10. I don't know how this person can do it being 9 inches shorter than me. Third, how come she gets to keep ALL of her breast size and I lost almost all of mine? :/
  • mangrothian
    mangrothian Posts: 1,351 Member
    I'm 6'1, and I lost 20kg (45ish lbs) before I went down a pants size. Now, at 120lbs down with another 45-50 to go, smaller weight losses make a bigger difference visually.

    I just keep reminding myself of the laws of volume. There isn't much difference between an 1cm cube and a 2cm cube, but there is a massive difference between a 50cm cube and a 51cm cube ;)
  • deannc1
    deannc1 Posts: 91 Member
    I feel all your pain. At 6' and a mixed frame I have to drop 30+ pounds to change pants size. I'd lost 70lbs and and went from a 20 to a 16! I've got 50-60 more to go...will probably wind up a size 12--14.
  • amandammmq
    amandammmq Posts: 394 Member
    Chiming in... I've lost 17 pounds in the last 5 months, and no one has noticed at all! I know my boyfriend just said he could tell (after I specifically asked) to humor me. And although my tightest pants feel a bit looser, I definitely won't need to go down a pants size for at least another 10-15 pounds. I'm a size 16 now, and I'm about 5'11", 193 pounds. I do think I'll manage to get down to a size 14, but I am really wide hipped and I may never fit into my size 12's again. SIGH...

    I'm working on being less hung up on weight and sizes, and focusing more on fitness and health, and preventing future health problems. It's not easy, though, as I am a bit vain and I care about how I look!
  • amandaatwork
    amandaatwork Posts: 6 Member
    I know. I have people give me funny looks when I tell them I have to lose 20 lbs to go down a size. A lot of it is my height, but I'm also an hourglass shape so I lose and gain it all over. It takes a while when that's your body type, I think.
  • amandammmq
    amandammmq Posts: 394 Member
    OK, so I have now lost ALMOST 30 pounds, and I"m indeed down a SINGLE pants size, and down from an XL top to a L. Very few people have said anything, although to be fair, I frequently don't notice on others either unless it's a LOT of weight. I can think of one coworker in particular who is shorter than we are, but who probably lost over 50 pounds. The difference is quite profound, from obese to actually slim.

    I am still trying to focus on how I myself feel, rather than worrying about whether or not other people notice!
  • Riley4ever
    Riley4ever Posts: 225 Member
    Yep, your opinion is the only one that matters! It’s nice to get compliments and you may find you start getting them but they’re not necessarily attributed to the weight loss. I got loads of you look happy/younger/well/fresher etc etc 😆