Stop making excuses!!!!

Every day is a new day... Were only human...don't be hard on yourself....blah blah sorry, but this is why we large people stay large. We make excuses for our behavior. We cater to our own egos....I am sorry, but its WRONG on so many levels...when you are 50, 100 or more lbs overweight, it is obvious that we have a problem with accountability. Does that make us bad people? does that make us lazy? Absolutely not. But lets face it, in society we are categorized as fat lazy slobs.
If an alcoholic falls off the wagon and gets drunk, do we coddle them and make excuses for their behavior? NO! We get angry. We ask them what is important in their lives, the alcohol or their families.....
with losing weight, it is a hard is a a rough ride and it makes absolutely no sense to sugar coat a 'bad day'
we do not have our meals handed to us...we have to go in and make that food. We do not have someone feed us...we pick up the item and put it in our mouths....we have got to be accountable for our actions. I am not saying to scold a fellow weight loss buddy, but don't coddle them with its ok...its not ok....yes tomorrow is another day.. but for me tomorrows added up to 20 years and I don't have the luxury of time anymore. me a diet Nazi, I don't care, I have spent enough time making excuses for my weight. The bottom line, YOU HAVE TO WANT IT WORSE THAN THE CRAVING. you have to be bigger than the craving...otherwise, its just a thing you will work on tomorrow.