
missdaisy79 Posts: 566 Member
How do you guys cope with stress? I must confess I don't cope with it very well. Today for example has seen me lurching between apopleptic rage :mad: (broken pencils, shredded stress ball) and pathetic resignation :indifferent: (sitting blankly at my desk looking but not seeing), with a good dose of panic :sad: in between just to keep things interesting. And worst of all, I can feel all the muscles in my shoulders creeping up towards my ears, getting tense and unpleasant. The cause of this stress is, as ever with me, money. I've messed up again, I'm overdrawn on my overdraft already, and I don't get paid until the 26th, plus a horrific journey to work this morning where a 4 mile car journey took me an hour. :explode:

When I get home, I'm going to do some yoga to try and work out the knots in my shoulders, and I'm going to try out some new exercises for my foam roller to try and work out some of the tension in my legs as well. Hopefully this should help.


  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Oh stress. Well, the main thing that keeps my stress at bay is medication :) I wish I was just joking, lol. I have generalized anxiety disorder along with mild agoraphobia (mainly just in crowds). Without my medication, something as simple as picking up the phone can send me into tears. .. It's a long story, but let's just say it's kind of a PTSD type thing.

    I also take Valerian Root, an herbal supplement at night to keep my mind from racing and keeping me awake. It's relatively cheap and it helps SO much. There are also no cross-effects with my Melatonin (another sleep supplement that I need to take.. my body doesn't produce it).

    However, other than medication, running helps me a lot. I love being all sweaty and angry while running, it makes it that much more effective. And by the time the run is over, I almost forget what it is I was angry or stressed about :)
  • jenn_is_trouble
    I hear you... I'm beyond stressed! We just bought our frist home at the end of December and between that and the move, I have been feeling like I'm ready to crack. Tonight, I am going to take a nice warm bath in the candlelight and drink some herbal tea.

    I was pretty stressed/angry/on the verge of punching someone yesterday and worked out my elliptical... it did a pretty good job of helping with that "I'm going to scream" feeling until the endorphins ran out.
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    I hear you... I'm beyond stressed! We just bought our frist home at the end of December and between that and the move, I have been feeling like I'm ready to crack. Tonight, I am going to take a nice warm bath in the candlelight and drink some herbal tea.

    I was pretty stressed/angry/on the verge of punching someone yesterday and worked out my elliptical... it did a pretty good job of helping with that "I'm going to scream" feeling until the endorphins ran out.

    Endorphins are fun. Whether it's from running, partying or having sex (:blushing: ), they can certainly make everything feel so much better for a little while. I also love taking hot baths with very little light, and just relaxing.
  • NicoWoodruff
    NicoWoodruff Posts: 369 Member
    How do I deal with stress? Well, when I do deal with it, it seems to be through exercise/stretching and things like Shiatsu.

    Last time I saw my Shiatsu guy (3rd time) he said the meridians that I was dealing with were things like "stress/grief/mourning" yea pretty fitting.

    Then he starts asking me again all sorts of "do you eat right, do you exercise, do you drink enough water.. etc.." yes, yes, yes.. then he asks:

    "How is your stress level?" and I laughed out loud and said, "It sucks, I absolutely suck at that!" and I laughed some more and he did too. lol.

    My Shiatsu guy knows his stuff.

    Oh and what hm_day's said as far as what I call "warm water therapy" or like the old parent's admonition "when they're crabby, put them in water" which generally works. Most are soothed by a warm bath and/or shower. I love warm water exercise at my aqua center.
  • missdaisy79
    missdaisy79 Posts: 566 Member
    Jenn - there's nothing like the stress of buying a house, is there? :noway: I'm hoping to be able to put my house on the market at the end of the year, which isn't going to be a lot of fun :grumble:

    In the end I went home, ranted to my husband a bit and got all the silly stuff off my chest, got a big hug from him, and then we went out to see some friends. I felt so much better when I got back, and slept really well last night. This morning I walked into work (3.8 miles) and I feel good for it. Exercise definitely helps.
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Jenn - there's nothing like the stress of buying a house, is there? :noway: I'm hoping to be able to put my house on the market at the end of the year, which isn't going to be a lot of fun :grumble:

    In the end I went home, ranted to my husband a bit and got all the silly stuff off my chest, got a big hug from him, and then we went out to see some friends. I felt so much better when I got back, and slept really well last night. This morning I walked into work (3.8 miles) and I feel good for it. Exercise definitely helps.

    Guys are great with that kind of stuff. Even though they really don't care most of the time, they listen and they don't try to give you advice on what you should or shouldn't do. And then they either make you laugh by making a joke about it, or they just hug you.
  • missdaisy79
    missdaisy79 Posts: 566 Member
    Oh boy - does anyone remember Stressed Eric the cartoon from like, 10 years ago? I feel just like Eric today :sad:
    Hopefully it's just the back to work blues (back to work after a long weekend, it sucks).

    Keep smiling out there guys (keeps them wondering what you're up to!) :laugh: