P90X Classic, Doubles or Lean??

arsjcs Posts: 22 Member
Hello - have a question for ya'll. P90X cd's were given to me (not complaining about that!!) BUT I only received the cd's and not the extra stuff that tells you what the heck is going on. For instance - what is the difference between Classic, Doubles or Lean?? I'm guessing Doubles is for those insane people that are in excellent shape and I know that is not for me. So should I do the Classic or Lean? I'm 34, 5'2" and weigh 170. Would like to lose at least 40 if not 50 lbs and don't want huge vein popping muscles.

What do you think?? Also, feel free to add me as a friend - could use all the help I can get!!


  • treatingmybodyright
    treatingmybodyright Posts: 184 Member
    This site is very helpful: http://www.p90xworkoutschedule.org/

    Don't be afraid to do the weightlifting. Everything I've been reading of late (and this is new to me too) is that weightlifting will shed fat faster, so while women are tempted to do the Lean program (as I was), weightlifting will get you great results, and you won't bulk up (it takes women far too long to really bulk; it's the fat on top that's bulky and what you need to try to lose while you're building muscle).

    Hope this helps. Feel free to add me!
  • heatherdhart
    I always suggest starting out with the Lean Routine, The difference is the results that you want. The Lean routine will be more cardio and it will build lean muscle where the classic is a even amount of cardio and resistance. I completed the lean and now on my last phase of the classic. You will want to decided you fitness level because the Classic will start with the harder videos where as the Lean tends to ease into it!!! Remember that the P90X is not necessarily a weight loss program. Though it happens, it is more of a fitness routine. Your weight loss will be gradual and diet has a lot to do with it!!! Good luck and also, join beachbody.com and it will help with your questions as well!~