We have our own group!

How exciting :) Good job setting it up.


  • mamaflicka
    sweet deal!

    I really hope this motivation sticks around...because if I can be this excited about it for the whole 12 weeks maybe I will meet my goal ;)
  • SunriseAW
    I love having our own little group. I hope that this will help us all reach our goals.
  • SydandPaigesMom
    SydandPaigesMom Posts: 86 Member
    awesome! Hello fellow London Moms!
  • A_little_less_Dawn
    This is awesome!!! I am also hopinh my excitement and motivation sticks around. I am already notcing habits I have. Like I would eat more dinner even though I amnot hungry any more ... just because there was lots left in the pot. Or I totally am my kids garbage disposer. They do not want to finish that granola bar .. give it to mom, etc. I am catching myself and not doing these things because I have to log every single bite on here. It is great!! Now if only I could get myself motivated enough for the workouts ;-)
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    OMG I have been here for a long time and didn't even know groups existed!

    Hey all :) Thanks for the invite Sunrise!
  • Mama_Back
    Oh man...so glad for this group! I absolutely love this site! It's definitely keeping me in check...although I'm beginning to think I could indulge in those two squares of Hershey's Dark Chocolate because after all my activity today, I'm wayyyy below my goal of 1200. Like just over 400. I don't get it. I ate like a horse...although...maybe that's the prob. LOL LOTS of veggies in this cleanse diet I'm doing.
  • raineroxx
    Glad you figured out how to start a group!
    I have been great with my eating habits (have not even cheated once) I need to keep up the motivation of exercising though! Last night I skipped out for the 1st time :( I am finding it hard finding energy at the end of the day!