Back on the road

unrulygurl Posts: 103 Member
Hi everyone! For my 40th birthday my dad had my bike tuned up & new tires put on it. Really excited to get riding again. I stopped getting out on my bike 7 years ago and put on 75lbs. It's past time to get in gear again.

I've only been a casual rider. I hate riding against the wind. In the past I've been known to ride 20 miles with the wind at my back and then call for someone to come pick me up. :)


  • TDSeest
    TDSeest Posts: 1,089 Member
    Happy 40th; oh, to be young again. Hopefully, you enjoy getting into riding again.

    I rode 4119 miles last year and I still hate the wind, unless it is behind me.

    Keep on pedaling, and the weight will come off.
  • broadsword7
    broadsword7 Posts: 411 Member
    Happy 40th unrulygurl! And congrats on your decision to get back on the bike. Ain't nuthin else like it in the whole wide world!
  • kerry0521
    kerry0521 Posts: 46 Member
    Yeah for you! Biking is a great way to shed the pounds...I lost about 45 at age 46 and it made bike riding a whole lot more fun!!! Enjoy your new ride and happy birthday!