Leg strength

I want to build up my leg strenghth and thought you all might have some suggestions. I want my posting and two point form to be stronger. It crossed my mind to get my horse-back shaped saddle stand, put a saddle on it and post on it:) - sort of my stationary horse :) but that probably wouldn't be as effective as something else. Walking/running are a not very good choice right now as a tendon in one of my knees is not right. Perhaps a bicycle is best? For some reason sometime, my leg strength just goes very low and I have to build it back up - and that has recently happened so time to rebuild. Sugggestions?


  • Blugal1
    Blugal1 Posts: 92
    I would definitely check with your doctor/physio about your knee before choosing any particular activity.

    That said, I hate running and refuse to do it, so here are the things I have been doing to improve leg strength:
    -walking uphill on the treadmill (I do intervals/cardio)
    -cycling, alternating between sitting, standing, and 2-point
    -elliptical (doesn't hurt my kness/back like running does)

    -squats (I do a wall-sit with an exercise ball between me and the wall; when I get to 90 degress, I do biceps curls with weights. Repeat 15 times. Lose the ball, then, still holding the barbells, I plant my feet and pretend to do rising trot - we call it "pulsing". Don't come fully upright, stay with knees bent. Repeat 15 times. Feel the burn.....)

    -step-ups (a few variations)
    -inner and outer thigh exercises, one with weights, the other lying on my side with exercise ball between my ankles - then raise both legs towards the ceiling.
  • hsmithway
    hsmithway Posts: 191
    I agree with Blugal completely.

    I've had three knee surgeries, and I find the elliptical to be way easier on my knees than running, or even walking. Some mornings my knees ache when I walk the dog, and then feel fine on the elliptical.

    I also do my squats with an exercise ball behind my back because it's much easier on my knees.

    And I do an exercise where I stand on a step, and step down backwards with one leg very, very, slowly.
  • SophinMaine
    SophinMaine Posts: 48 Member
    I feel your pain (literally) as I have a bad knee and a bad back (on top of weirdly built wrists). I don't run. Walking/hiking is ok tho, but I find that swimming, and pilates/yoga do improve leg strength (if you do the exercises right, that is) and are very forgiving on the knees. My yoga of choice is ashtanga, and I love it because it is challenging but it doesn't make my problems worse. Maybe they would be a good starting point for you?
    Of course, check with your doctor as well.
  • Thanks a lot for the suggestions. I have been working on certain stretches that have been effective in the past. I will work through the list of everything you all have said and appreciate it - will probably just print the thread. I really need to get to work and will report back. When this gets under control, I have another question!:) Thanks.