So Happy!

I joked with my friend last month that I was going to start a fat moms group we were laughing so hard over a glass of wine! At the time I didn't even know about this site. So today on my lunch at work I saw this group portion on the site and giggled to myself and said what the hell!

I am so happy to see all of you guys and all the posts you have already done! I am reading them now and really enjoying and LOVE knowing that I am not alone!

I don't know about you guys but when I am home at night with the kids I do feel like I am alone and usually say oh well F it....and eat....and DRINK. Wine is my new best friend! lol

Well no more! I was sitting at my desk at work the other day and my pants were cutting into my gut and had to un button them. When I got up I almost forgot and walked around the office like that! I would have died!

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  • ChocolateisCrack
    ChocolateisCrack Posts: 39 Member
    When I started at mfp a month ago I thought to myself," I just want to wear some real jeans!!" Thank God I am out of the pregnancy clothes! It's so much easier on this site where you have people to talk to about everything your going through. That, and I am competitive so I just want to do better than everyone else if I can. :D
  • cuteness81104
    cuteness81104 Posts: 131 Member
    I live vey close to king condrells an amazin chocolate place annnnd since its within walking distance henever im bored and hungry i walk and get chocolates usually the 1lb mixed box and eat it.....all of it......since we do not keep junk food in the house this is y weakness and let me tell ya its not a fa enough walk to burn off an enitre lb of chocolates lol