Fat Moms to Fit Mamas Progress Report



  • ok i am having a hard time tracking what I am doing as far as exercise. I am walking on a treadmill at 3.5 - 4.0 doing a thing called rolling hills. Which basically has different inclines at different times. Also I am doing abdominal leg lifts ( i think thats what its called? ) where you lay down and then lay your hands down too and lift your legs only i hold 2 10 lb weights in my hands and alternate my legs side to side and also 3 sets of 20 where I lift my bum and legs toward the ceiling also holding the weights. The only treadmill thing i see on here I have no clue what it means :ohwell:
  • So sick of this yo yo crap??? Anyone else? Up a pound down a pound, up two pounds, down to two pounds....

    How often are you weighing yourself? I used to weigh every morning and sometimes at night. I would stress over every pound and get discouraged when I'd bust my *kitten* and then see a gain. Our bodies are weird, they respond to change and stress in ways I can't explain. All I know is downward trends are good. I weigh 1/week. I'd go longer but I need to be reminded of my progress or I get distracted and make too many excuses. Keep up the good work and revel in your success.

    ^^This! :) I often hop on the scales throughout the week (I can't stop myself), but I ONLY count my Monday AM weight. And somehow that Monday morning weigh in is almost always the very lowest from the week. :) For the record I also strip down completely naked for the weigh in! LOL
  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
    hi smjksik,
    Does your treadmill count calories for you? If it does, they are usually pretty close to what is really going on, especially if you can enter your weight, age and measure your heartrate. If not, a rule of thumb that I generally use is based on my heartrate. If my heart rate is at about 125 average, I count it as fat burn and it comes to about 5 calories a min. If my heart rate is above 145 average, I count it as cardio and it comes to about 10 calories a min. If my heartrate is above 160 average, I count it as intense training and it comes to about 15 cals a min. But let me tell you, its hard to keep that up for more than 1/2 an hour. I've used the high tech stuff and that's how my body burns. If I were you I would just "create my own exercise" under cardio for your "rolling hills" and average your peak and low heartrates to calculate your avg burn. Guesstimating is the best we can do. For your leg lifts, it would go under strenght training and though you are burning calories doing it, it won't affect your daily goal. It's more for your own record. :) Hope this helps.
  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
    Wooohooo! I had a fantastic January. I'm thrilled with my 17 lb loss for January, and ready to shoot for 12 in February. It will be my baby's 1st birthday, AND if I make that goal, I will officially be back to my pre-pregnancy weight. :) So that's it! That's what I'm doin.
  • mocty
    mocty Posts: 6
    Wooohooo! I had a fantastic January. I'm thrilled with my 17 lb loss for January, and ready to shoot for 12 in February. It will be my baby's 1st birthday, AND if I make that goal, I will officially be back to my pre-pregnancy weight. :) So that's it! That's what I'm doin.
    Wow, congratulations! That's amazing progress! I'm new to MFP and I need help!!!! I was just on a yo-yo diet called Medifast and lost 31 lbs but I've stopped and wanted to try this and work out instead. What are you eating and how much do you exercise? How did you lose 17lbs in 1 month? I would love to do that. Please help. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks
  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
    Mocty, I think the biggest reason I was able to lose so much is that I have so much to lose. When looking at percentage, it's about 6%. Not bad, I'm not ashamed of that at all. For an average overweight person, that may translate to 8 or 10 lbs. But I got a loooong way to go. I'll get there the same way as everyone else though, a pound at a time. :)

    I've done Medifast before and dropped 89 lbs, it's a really tough program, but it works. The trouble is it isn't a lifestyle. This time I'm using Herbalife shakes 2 out of my 6 meals a day to help me stay on target while I lose and will probably continue with at least 1 shake a day because of the convenience in our morning routine and the health benefits. I'll friend you so you can see my food and exercise diary. It's working for me and I don't feel deprived with what I'm doing. Not every day is exemplary, but I'm learning to be more consistent and make good lifestyle choices that are good for everyone in the fam. :)

    I love the support, accountability and flexibility of MFP and the members of this group. You will do just fine here and will see results!
  • bed2883
    bed2883 Posts: 92 Member
    I just changed my weight loss goal because I was at 1200 calories a day and I could not stick to it. I gained back the two pounds I initially lost the first week of joining.
  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
    Change is hard. But please don't get discouraged. Sometimes evaluating your goals is a fantastic idea especially if your body is telling you to. I'm concerned that the 1200 cal goal may have been too low for you to begin with. And I also wonder if maybe the food choices are't filling enough to keep you on track. I don't have all the answers, but I've learned a few things in my journey that might help. I'd be happy to offer suggestions if you want to friend me.
  • skinnybitch0178
    skinnybitch0178 Posts: 12 Member
    Hello to all! Just joined the site last week, really enjoying it though! You can check out my profile for the how's and why's :-) I read the most amazing book that jump started this...its a big pink book called Eat Your Way to Sexy....it has all kinds of helpful hints and ideas for eating correctly....no focus on weight loss...more a focus of getting healthy...and thats what its about anyway, right!? When we get healthy and make good choices the weight will come off....once I reconfigured my view on things the motivation has been unstoppable. I was getting really bored with the daily cardio of treadmill or elliptical (my husband works at a gym so we get membership or free) so I started taking classes...SO much more fun! Then...I discovered Zumba, which has been my miracle...its so much fun and so easy to get friends involved to keep you on track! I also love this site bc you can become "friends" wityh people and you can hold each other accountable.
    So here is my c first post and plan to come back weekly....
    I have lost 2.4 lbs since I joined a week ago. I have exercised daily, but had a bad food day on Sunday, with wine (eek!). Back on track this week, so far so good!!
  • bed2883
    bed2883 Posts: 92 Member
    Change is hard. But please don't get discouraged. Sometimes evaluating your goals is a fantastic idea especially if your body is telling you to. I'm concerned that the 1200 cal goal may have been too low for you to begin with. And I also wonder if maybe the food choices are't filling enough to keep you on track. I don't have all the answers, but I've learned a few things in my journey that might help. I'd be happy to offer suggestions if you want to friend me.

    Thanks! That's why I changed my goal yesterday. I know that if I keep it at 1200 and I don't hit it I'll just throw in the towel. Despite the fact that I'm so not happy with my weight.
  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
    Welcome skinny b- Sounds like you've got the right idea. Great loss so far. Keep up the good work. And, just between us, a glass of wine can be worked nicely into a healthy lifestyle. Even if it counts more for mental health. :bigsmile:
  • rmesta
    rmesta Posts: 13 Member
    I'm down 15 pounds since I've started. I feel more energized & powerful.. :-)
  • viv_80
    viv_80 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm down 15 pounds since I've started. I feel more energized & powerful.. :-)

    Awesome Job :happy:
  • bed2883
    bed2883 Posts: 92 Member
    I'm down 15 pounds since I've started. I feel more energized & powerful.. :-)

    Good for you!
  • tsornoza
    tsornoza Posts: 68 Member
    i did my weigh in this am. in one week, lost 1.9lbs.

    yippy!!! i'm excited.
  • viv_80
    viv_80 Posts: 20 Member
    i did my weigh in this am. in one week, lost 1.9lbs.

    yippy!!! i'm excited.

    Awesome! :-)
  • bed2883
    bed2883 Posts: 92 Member
    i did my weigh in this am. in one week, lost 1.9lbs.

    yippy!!! i'm excited.

    Good job!
  • jhartram
    jhartram Posts: 165
    Ok, I didn't see a group intro topic, so I'm just going to jump in...

    Today I'm proud of myself for finding a healthy alternative when I found myself away from the house at lunchtime... I got a salad (which I was going to have anyway) that almost replicated the nutrition information of the one I'd slated for my lunch while my friend went to McDonalds and had two burgers and an order of fries.

    I'm feeling the Zumba that I started yesterday and did again this morning, and even though I'm waiting for my weigh-in day I feel better, more fit even if it isn't visible yet.

    Anyway, hoping to make a bunch of mom-type friends here that won't think I'm nuts when I post! :flowerforyou:
  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
    Great work ladies! Good losses and good progress here.
    I'm down another 2 this week. Woot!
  • cuteness81104
    cuteness81104 Posts: 131 Member
    I am down 0bs despite working out 6 days a week and 2 of them with the trainer and eating healthy foods soooo frustrating!!!!! I set my goal at 1lb a week and thought it was possible but apparently not :(