Need to vent...

gerbies Posts: 444 Member
edited October 7 in Social Groups
Just needed a place among "friends" to vent. Before I vent, though, I'll share that no matter how I'm feeling I will NOT allow myself to be derailed. I feel better overall and am looking better. Overall, I have lost 28 lbs in 9 weeks...not too shabby.

With that said, feeling a bit frustrated with my weight loss the past few weeks. I typically think of weight loss week-to-week. I am doing Power 90, which is a 6-day a week program, alternating circuit training with weights and interval training each day. The workouts are 30-45 minutes in length based on the level. This past week, I moved up to the next level of challenge, which added a lot of challenge for me!

Last week, I lost 1.2 lbs. This week, 0.8 lbs. Based on the math and my workouts, I should have lost 3 lbs each week. I'm 250 lbs (well, I am now 248.9) and should be losing a good amount of weight each week. It doesn't make sense that a person my size would not lose. My calories are in line (in fact, per MFP, I could probably eat more); I average around 1500. My "monthly friend" is not near, so it can't be that. The only thing that I can think of is that because I increased my workouts (last week, I added two circuit training classes in addition to Power 90 and this week, I went to the next level of challenge), my body is retaining water to repair the muscles. I do sort of have that "full" feeling in my muscles.

As shared, I will not be "giving up" as I am seeing body changes (looser pants, muscles appearing), but I just need to vent my frustration.

For those of you who have/had a significant amount of weight to lose (more than 50 lbs.), have you experienced this?


  • sunnydays33
    sunnydays33 Posts: 170 Member
    Hey girl,

    I totally 'get it'. Weight loss...this is a super hard physical journey but more so for me, a mental battle. I started at 255.2, so I had a LOT to lose...I also had a LOT of expectations. Rationally, my brain knows that it's going to take time, but damn all the hard work everyday and no miracle pill (ha!) it can get to ya.

    You are totally right about your body retaining water with an increase in workouts...more than likely that's it. Even though we're all on here with similar MFP calories and goals, this will be your individual journey. I have found that what has worked for me in the past, doesn't work now. (Like 6 years ago with the WW and my recent try with it about 2 years ago...I failed) Even within this last 10 months, I have stalled and had to change my ways...check out my profile for my 'step-by-step'.

    A couple things to look at: WOW...28 pounds in 9 weeks is AWESOME!!!! That's fantastic and I'm giving you a big HIGH FIVE, that's such a great accomplishment!! Friend...that's 3 lbs/week!! I have found in my earlier months, that when I had a good weekly drop, my body would SLOW down for the next 1-2 weeks to kind of catch up. It was really frustrating because I am a daily weigher and was used to seeing results often. One thing I did different this time around: I didn't give in to temptation and I stayed the course, which sounds like you have the same mind frame. If you are doing everything right...the weight will come off, I promise.

    I applaude you on your workouts, they sound challenging and intense!! Without a doubt you are changing your body composition with the weight training. I think if you keep this routine up for a total of 4 weeks and still not completely satisfied with your results, it might be time to change it up. (same advice for eating too, give all new strategies a MINIMUM of 4 weeks to work, as you progress-like months 8,9,10...allow 6-8 weeks for new plans to take affect)

    What worked for me is more cardio, less strength training in the beginning. (I'm not familiar with Power 90) I do know, cardio is for bigger losses, but you know what 'they' say: slow and steady wins the race. (Which also makes me want to throat punch 'they', cause I want it now!) ;o)

    I don't want to derail your workout program, because it sounds amazing! However, it does sound like a LOT. Maybe keep 2 days of strength training and the rest of the week, at least 30 min of intense cardio and your 1 rest day leave it to walking. You may need the break for your body to re-hydrate and repair. The other thing I have done successfully, is to eat at maintenance for 1-2 weeks and then go back to my normal deficit. I always break a plateau that way. (which you are not are still losing) If you go more than 3 weeks with no weight loss....that's a stall. Otherwise, what you are doing, IS working.

    The last few months my weight loss has changed a lot! These days, I will normally have a big drop: maybe 4-5 pounds all the sudden. Then nothing for the next week. Then a gain for TOM, maybe 1-2 pounds and then the last week working to get down to the original loss. It's a doozy on my esteem, for sure! I am working hard to not let that damn scale dictate my mood, but we are both stubborn, so it's a work in progress. Now I have a monthly chart that I look at vs my weekly charts. I also take my measurements monthly, which has been a savior in my journey. And pictures! Even though I cringe at the befores and sometimes even my 'durings', I am so thankful that I have them. Sometimes if I'm having a crummy day/week, I pull up all my pictures and start comparing how far I've come. I know I've said it before, but I've lost close to 90 lbs, 148 inches and went from a tight size 20, to a now kinda loose size 10! Never have I been this size as an adult and it's so motivating to know that I am doing the right thing for the rest of my life.

    You got this girl, you too are on the right track!! I am so excited to watch you progress and cheer you on!! Feel free to vent anytime, you are not alone and I guarantee this post will help at least 1 other person. <hugs>

  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    Thank you SO much for your very supportive response. It's just what I needed yesterday. It's so funny how different I'm handling this experience than prior "weight loss tries." After my post, I went along my day, knowing I was going to a very nice dinner with my husband to celebrate my birthday. I ate light the whole day to accommodate the meal I planned to really enjoy. This morning, I'm back to "business." I'm focused and the weigh-in...well, this morning is just a number. The reality is that, in the past, I would have allowed poor losses (or gains) to completely derail my progress. Not anymore.

    Thank you again for taking the time to respond. I cannot put into words how great that was for me. Thak you.
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