Weight Watchers

So have join Weight Watchers in the past? If so how many times? lol Why did it not work for you?

I joined 5 times..... The most I lost was 20 pounds and I have gained double back.

I found it so hard and time consuming to convert everything over to their points. Especially with having the two little ones.....


  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
    I would have to say that every diet I've ever tried worked. I lost weight. Even with weight watchers, I lost 40 lbs. Some diets I lost more than others, but the truth is that NONE of them were lifestyles I could live with or afford long term, So they all FAIL at keeping the weight off. I've decided that I need to get real and just start living a healthy lifestyle. Build the habits that I want to have and teach my kids the way to live healthy and not have to be on some special diet.
    Right now I am using Herbalife products, and I can honestly say, that even when I'm not consciously trying to lose weight, I can use some of their stuff to keep from gaining. I went 10 months without changing anything except eating one herbalife shake once in awhile. Mostly when it was convenient or when I was feeling too junked out with the other stuff. I maintained my weight. But now that I'm wanting to drop, I'm starting the herbalife weightloss program. It is a big change, and a lot of the concept is diet, because it is so restrictive to lose the weight, but the lifestyle habits are good and I plan on keeping track of my nutrition forever now. I can't afford to be so unhealthy and unhappy anymore. It's worth the extra time to to figure out what my body needs adn just give it that.
  • bed2883
    bed2883 Posts: 92 Member
    I've done WW Online a few times. I've had moderate success as I tend to follow the plan during the week and not follow it over the weekend. Last week I cancelled my WW membership and joined MFP.