Getting enough calories?

luvsdeals Posts: 105 Member
Anyone having a hard time with that? MFP has my calories at 1200. I add 300 for breastfeeding. Most days when it's nearly bedtime I'm finding I have usually near 500 calories remaining. (Most days I'm averaging 200-300 earned calories from exercise.) I just added an apple and a T of PB and still have over 500 calories for today. Do you eat your exercise calories back? I keep reading conflicting info on that on the message boards here. I don't want to mess with my supply or sabotage my long term weight loss by eating too many calories, but I don't want to eat just to eat. You can see my diary and I feel like I'm eating good stuff (will some treats still in there) and I feel full nearly all day--so what do I do?


  • Kooopons
    Kooopons Posts: 167 Member
    Yeah, I am usually under too and find myself eating late at night just to eat a few more. I need to eat more early in the day.

    I do not enter exercise and don't want to eat the calories, but my understanding is that the calories they give you are based on what your body likely burns just existing (with the activity level you initially selected) and then reduces the calories based on what you said your goal was- for example lose 1lb a week.

    So by breathing, cooking, walking for daily routines, body's organ functions, heart beating etc- you use X number of calories a day, that's how they come up with how much you should eat on here.
    Did that make any sense?

    I think if you don't eat your exercise and stay under what they projected for you- you should lose even more than your original goal.
  • Kooopons
    Kooopons Posts: 167 Member
    Oh wanted to add- as far as your breast feeding- I think if your supply is good and you feel full, just keep doing what you are doing, but if you see it dipping, try eating your min, just add more to your meals in the morning. That's better then eating late at night (like me:wink: )
  • luvsdeals
    luvsdeals Posts: 105 Member
    makes sense. I guess I'll see how it goes!
  • leahmfunk
    leahmfunk Posts: 13 Member
    I sure wish I had that problem!! I was over my calories the last 2 days...just a busy bad weekend. We went bowling with friends and had a pizza party before hand. I ate way less pizza then I normally would have, but it still wasn't within my daily limits. Yesterday we had our last family Christmas party so tons and tons of food everywhere all day long! I did not do good, but I figured I'll just hop back on the wagon tomorrow and start over. Bad days are bound to happen. Tomorrow is a new day and if I'm not busy packing up our kitchen, living room, and dining room (we are getting new laminate wood floors this week) I'm going to try to workout on my lunch break each day this week.