Week 2

Jamiebaby05 Posts: 47 Member
I just finished week 2 today and i have to say i am actually getting to where the warm up is feeling more like a warm up than a kill session. Of course it wasn't an easy workout this morning at all. I am 5"7 and 190 lbs and so needless to say the level 2 drills and cardio abs were very frustrating for me. But i do what i can, modify if i need and keep moving. I know that im not going to be able to keep up with the video at all times and even the people on the video have thier moments. I am working on positive self talk and pushing through. I saw great results last time i did this and i know i will this time. Between my snowboarding and this workout i am seeing my lower body firm up. I am excited to see my hips shrinking as well. How is everyone else doing and is anyone as excited as i am to see how well they do on the 2nd fit test?