Introduce yourselves.... go on .... don't be shy!

SlinkyNewMe Posts: 213 Member
I'll start then.

I am 46. I live in Northampton in England, UK. I am married with an 8 year old son.

I embarked on my weight loss journey with Weight Watchers Online, in September and lost 14 pounds but came on here because I wanted more control and knowledge about the calories and nutritional information about my food. I am hoping to get down to 133 lbs.

Because we have a child and we are originally from London so don't know many people up here in Northampton, I find we have stopped doing a lot of the things we like doing, and life has become, well pretty predictable really, and mainly revolves round our son and his activities.

So there was less incentive to dress up, and look good. I still make an effort though. Northampton is very low key compared to London so we find the people we have met so far have different interests to ours. So we seem to have slipped into a kind of middle aged slumber from which we are just beginning to wake up!

For me,this is not just about clothes, it's about my identity - how I would like my life to be from now on.


  • getfitnfab
    getfitnfab Posts: 418 Member
    I am 42, married 20

    Lost 20, 16 more to go

  • tracy1727
    tracy1727 Posts: 33 Member
    I am 41. Married to my High School sweetheart. 2 great kids (16 and 12) Moved from Las Vegas NV to Knoxville TN about 5 years ago. Quit smoking almost 3 years ago... My overall goal is to lose 50 lbs. My goal for this summer is to wear SHORTS in public for the first time in YEARS! MFP is very eye opening when logging in the food diary. I dont even want to know how many calories I was shoveling in my mouth in the past. Also giving exercise a go (first time since high school). I look forward to every session so far, and feel fantastic afterward. I am using various Wii games (EA Sports Active 2/ Zumba 2 / Just Dance).
    I log in MFP everyday and would love to get and give as much support as possible.
    Feel free to add me.
  • SlinkyNewMe
    SlinkyNewMe Posts: 213 Member
    Lovely to meet you and welcome to the group!
  • MPLB
    MPLB Posts: 14
    Hello there all you fabulous forty somethings :-)

    I'm Dianne 45, been a big girl all my life, not for much longer hey! 2012 is going to be my year.

    I live in Merseyside with my 3 cats and 5 rescue chickens, I have 2 children 19 & 22 who would love to see their Mum finally get healthy, I know they worry about me and want me to be happy but it's always been down to me and only me.

    I've only been dieting for 1 week today, so still finding my feet. Back in 93/94 I lost 51/2 stone to get married, at that time I started aerobics at home in front of the tv, in my nighty lol, I was soooo unfit but little by little I got fitter and fitter and began to LOVE keeping fit. I could kick myself now for not keeping it up. I was at my happiest back then and its been pretty much downhill since. I want my old self back, and am determined to find her, she's in there somewhere :-)

    Good luck everyone xxx
  • tcmorton
    I'm 46, in a relationship, and have 4 girls.I own and operate a horse ranch in WI. I am on the move all the time but need to lose 10 lbs so I can be the ride behind in my therapy program. I workout everyday- but I'm not eating right. Hopefully, I can get motivated with the help of this site! :)
    Cheri from WI
  • Change_Agent
    Change_Agent Posts: 98 Member
    Hey there,

    What a great idea for a group!

    I am 48 (wha?!), live in Virginia - small town - with husband and two teenage girls. Mostly have felt Just OK for so long and instead want to feel fabulous - exactly. I joined a new-to-me gym last month and have been LOVING the crowd there and changing my horizons of what I can and can't do physically. I want to drop about 30 pounds (would make me 5'8"ish and about 135?) and get a new wardrobe. Mostly i want to continue to push and grow and feel excited by life. I have the happy feeling i am not alone here in believing that a new wardrobe could in fact be part of that. ;)

    gotta go get kids up and moving.
    thanks for starting this group!
  • ASexyScorpio
    ASexyScorpio Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all,
    I'm Tawanda. I have 3 adult sons(27,25,25) and a daughter(20). I have a 31/2 year old granddaughter and a grandson due in April. i also have a 61/2 year old Yorkie named Kobe, that I adore. I have been big my entire life. I want to change that!
    I tore my left meniscus, while working out, preparing for my oldest son's wedding. 4 years ago. My life has been forever changed. I am always in pain! It's difficult to workout. I love the Wii and my spiritual workout dvds.
    I want to change!
  • caroldot
    caroldot Posts: 388 Member
    Hey Everyone! I just saw this group and had to join as I entered the 40-something club just last week! My name is Carol - I am 40 yrs old, single and have 2 kids. After my divorce 5 years ago, I lost about 30 lbs and weighed around 135 lbs however after a while I seemed to settle in around 140 - 142 and was okay with that. Then I got into a relationship and was happy/in love and gained a little more. Now that relationship has ended after 3 years so I'm really taking time to focus on myself. For a while now I've been hovering anywhere from 150 - 153 and just can't seem to get back where I was.

    I've been doing MFP app on my phone but just last week discovered the website and love it. I'm hoping its going to give me the inspiration, motivation and tools I need to lose those pesky 10 lbs!!

    Even though I basically watch my calories, I tend to not do well on weekends and I'm only getting to gym 2-3 times week. So I know if I work on those 2 areas, I would most likely see improvements. Any help & suggestions you have would be great!
  • Tamarastime
    Tamarastime Posts: 3 Member
    Good morning,

    I am married and mom to 2 boys, ages 12 and 8. I live in Texas, but have moved a lot due to my husband's job. I have hypothyroidism and PCOS, which make weight loss challenging. I have gone up and down over the years and really need to focus and stop making excuses!! My favorite exercise is spinning. I hope to stick with eating right, tracking, and being more active!
    Best wishes!

  • lovemydrmartens
    lovemydrmartens Posts: 144 Member
    Hello I'm Katherine,

    I'm 48 years old and happily married with a 20 year old son.

    as a teenager I was hopelessly skinny and very self conscious about what I wore, I used to take this stuff called Wate on which was supposed to make you gain... it didn't work! I stayed thin until I went on the pill... disaster! I put on loads of weight and was grumpy miserable and uninterested in sex too... which sort of defeated the object... so I gave it up at 23 and have been enjoying comic situations with my diapraghm ever since..:laugh:

    my weight has been no problem until recently... the menopause.. eekkk! I started to feel out of control again... so need to get organised and get a grip! 50 is looming next year and I want to feel fabulous at 50 too!

    the main reason for using MFP is not just to lose a bit but also to track exactly what I'm eating (cut out the rubbish) and reduce my alcohol consumption.

    I don't want and can't afford to buy a whole lot of new clothes! I like my old ones! (no fashion victim me...;)

    I also need to watch my weight as I have some knee and ankle problems and am a dance teacher... not a good combination...
  • fimary
    fimary Posts: 286 Member
    i am fiona, age 42, and a working mum with 2 kids, 11,8, i live in somerset, england.
    really never been skinny but had a good curvy figure in my 20s' after the kids, unhappy marriage now fighting the effects of all this,
    hope this year to at least lose the weight i have, i am only 4ft10 so every pound shows.
  • getfitnfab
    getfitnfab Posts: 418 Member
    So, I committed myself to losing the last 16 pounds on December 11, 2011

    Here's what I do

    Log all my food
    Have a 1,000 cal deficit on my body media fit(missed a few)

    In December I biked 221.32 miles, 436 minutes on the trampoline, 65 minutes on the gazelle, 20 minutes on the elliptical, 5 minutes rowing, walked 1.5 miles.

    In January, I biked 160 miles, 608 minutes on the trampoline and did the six pack DVD once

    This got me to lose about 6 pounds
  • norwichjules
    Hi I'm Juliette from Norwich, married 6 yr old twins, busy much like many of the other posters I suspect. I get up at 6.30 to exercise a couple of times a week but find it hard to fit it all in. logging food makes me really think about what I have eaten. I aim to eat as much raw food as possible. I wantto lose 14/16 pounds by the time I go to execl in March for a trade fair. hmmm
  • iarookie
    iarookie Posts: 140

    I am Janice .. AKA IaRookie. I can hardly call my self a rookie here anymore. I have lived in IOWA for more than 10 years! I am 45 well I will be 46 in a few weeks. I am married - 20 years. I have 2 teens. A daughter that is very fit and active and a son that....isnt. I have gained weight consistantly every year and am not staying on this path!

    I have a QUESTION and comments!

    What is a RESCUE CHICKEN?

    I looked up a stone -
    5 stone = 70 pounds = 31.751 kilograms
    6 stone = 84 pounds = 38.102 kilograms
    So that was AMAZING!

    Where is Wisconsin is your Ranch? My In-laws are from Madison.
  • jennw1972
    Hi ladies! I will be turning 40 this year and my goal is to love myself and my body finally! I'd like to join your group if y'all will have me?! I have been using MFP since last fall....and only today saw that there were groups to join and interact with. I have lost about 14lbs.....but still need to lose about 25lbs and also want to get stronger and healthier. I'm married and have a 16 year old daughter and a 9 year old precious 'baby boy'!! Ok....yes he's a mama's boy, aren't they all? I've done alot in my life..and it's a little hard for me to open up to others...which is one thing I want to be able to share with others. So with all that being said I hope this begins a new wonderful journey!
  • byrkar
    byrkar Posts: 14 Member
    I'm Karen, I'm 43 and trying to get healthy. Last year, I lost 25 lbs before going on a mission trip to Romania (amazing!). On the way home, I got sick (bacterial meningitis - I don't recommend it) and lost an additional 14 lbs in the hospital. Since then, I have put those 14 lbs back on, and I'm determined to lose those and about 15-20 more.

    I work at a company that is very health conscious, and provides a complete gym facility for us to use. I'm in there at least 3 times a week, sometimes 5 times a week, and I'm having a blast!
  • monih10
    monih10 Posts: 578 Member
    Hi ladies!! I'm Monica....I'm 40 years in a cute, small town in Texas. I have 2 children, my daughter is 21, my son is 15. I have been on MFP since August and did really great, but lately I have been slacking....I need to get my Mojo back!! My goal weight is 133 lbs, and it seems like these last 11 lbs that I need to lose don't want to go anywhere!!! Looking forward to swapping motivation with you meeting ppl closer to my own age!!
  • SandyMilton

    I'm Sandy, married, mom to three kids (ages from 17-22), and turned 48 last Sept. I've been struggling these last few years with perimenopause, and for the last 10 years, thyroid issues (which lead to frustration, semi-depression, and eating everything in sight).

    In 2010 I took my health into my own hands, and started the weight loss process. Along the way I got a little frustrated at the slow loss, and tried a program that's very low calorie. Well it did what it was supposed to do, but for me it was noticeably slower than most. I did get to glimpse into onederland 9/2010 and wearing size 14's (from a 24). Then it just crept back up... and up... and up. Six months of powdered food down the toilet.

    My low was when I had to pull out the single pair (I gave all others away) of those size 24's again because that's all I could fit (reasonably). What I didn't know at the time was my thyroid had actually gone out of whack again. Not to mention the double whammy of the menopause.

    I changed doctors because the one I had quit listening to me. Last September I went to my new doc, and in November my new thyroid doc. I was switched to a much higher dose of meds that will actually help my thyroid. That was the beginning of my turn around. My "low" happened shortly therafter in December, so during that month I made my decision to take my health into my own hands again and quit ignoring the obvious.

    I studied on how I was going to approach weight loss - settled with simply counting calories, lower carb, higher proteins and healthy fats. Oh, also - to keep a check on my thyroid levels. I will not ignore unexplained weight gains again (because they become the "I give up and eat everything" weight gains).

    Since it was so close to the new year, I decided to wait the few days and declare a "new year, new me" challenge to myself. I'm loving it so far, and actually am very amazed at how sensibly I can eat and not feel hungry as long as I have a healthy amount of protein and healthy fats at each meal.
  • SlinkyNewMe
    SlinkyNewMe Posts: 213 Member
    Hi - a rescue chicken, or any rescue animal is a term we use in the UK for an animal that has been taken to an animal shelter and looked after because it has been mistreated or is unwanted. The animal has been rescued in other words.
  • jennw1972
    Question....I mainly interact with MFP using my DROID we need to 'friend' each other to see each other's progress and message one another. I have one friend that i've been using MFP with and it's been pretty cool and motivational....just wondering. Hope everyone has a great day!!!!