tomato and pepper soup

I make this soup in big batches, as it freezes very well,and when my kids get wind I'm cooking soup they're on the doorstep !!
but of course you can halve everything.
MAKES 10-12 portions.

4 cloves of garlic crushed
2" of grated or finely chopped fresh root ginger
1 small hot chilli (optional) chopped finely
2-3 tsp of flora cuisine
fry in a small non-stick pan until softened and lightly brown. strain and place in large saucepan

add 2lb of fresh tomatoes cut in half (no need to deseed or peel)
2 red peppers deseeded and cut into 4
2 chicken stockcubes dissolved in 1pint of water
100g (half a tube) of tomato puree
2/3 large onions
2tsp sugar
1large leek cut in 2" slices
4 stalks of celery peeled to remove strings
1 tin or carton of chopped tomatoes
1 heaped tsp of garam masala
Add 3 and a half pints of water
Bring to the boil and simmer uncovered for about 30-40 mins. until veg is soft.
cool. then liquidize with a small bunch of fresh basil (optional)

This is a lovely soup I worked it out at approx 60 cals per portion ENJOY!!!!