OK, where is everyone???

This group is far too quiet. Tell me how it going? What are your successes? What is challenging?

Talk to me people!


  • Sklahsen
    Sklahsen Posts: 76 Member
    So far I have really appreciated MFP! I began at the very end of August, and between then and December I managed to lose 25 pounds by simply doing 20 minutes of Zumba a day, and counting my calories! I am very pleased. I haven't, however, lost any weight since the middle of December! I am getting frustrated! I am doing everything that I had been doing before, but the pounds dont seem to be falling. I am finding that I seem to be losing inches, which is a good thing. So I guess at some point that will shift back to pounds lost...I hope anyway!
    I find this site is such a good encouragement! I love reading success stories, and seeing people excited about their "new" lives!
  • Sunshine70Smith
    Sunshine70Smith Posts: 97 Member
    You are doing great! I'm doing OK with logging everything and I'm very glad the holidays are over and all the goodies are gone. Maybe now I'll be able to stay under my daily target. My difficulty is getting in a workout, even 30 minutes, every day. I've signed up for a class on Wednesdays after work and it starts this week. I also started the 30 Day Shred and it's going OK. I've got to make sure I get out of work on time in order to get home and get my 30 minutes in before everyone else gets home.

    Other than that, it's all good. I love the app for my phone so I can track during the day. I just wish I could get to the groups and messages on it.
