Pro ED

cowlover22 Posts: 309 Member
Well it seems as if there are a lot of people here who are not looking for recovery. I mean this is different than talking about the things that could trigger a person. I was just catching up on the post and I just noticed that there seems to be a lot of people who maybe didnt realize this was a support group for those wanting to get better, not tips or whatever to feed into the ED behavior.

I dont think it is anything that Milli has to take action with..I just wondered if everybody realized the purpose of the group. Just my own thoughts here but..

Some of the people I cant even respond to because of those of you who know me I would go off on a tangent! lol

So just a FYI I guess...


  • jess1992uga
    jess1992uga Posts: 603 Member
    I totally agree and actually started my own group because I can't be around all the negativity. I mean I understand this group may have started out well intentioned, but I think there is just too many people and not enough recovery.
  • cowlover22
    cowlover22 Posts: 309 Member
    I totally agree and actually started my own group because I can't be around all the negativity. I mean I understand this group may have started out well intentioned, but I think there is just too many people and not enough recovery.

    I think they maybe didnt realize what kind of group this was. I figure everybody is in a different place. I was there once but I DONT WANT TO BE THERE AGAIN. Not that I am anywhere what you would call recovered, but I am trying. Where as they arent trying. Hopefully they will get the message and make their own group. Not saying anything wrong with them(Although even when I was at my worst I would never encourage anyone to do ed behaviors)but we are in a different place and somethings are just to triggering. I would like to think that I dont get triggered by to much, but i do. I just dont admit it. It shows in my food journals...

    I hope you are doing well Jess!
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    I guess a lot of people post here to vent their feelings and need reassurance that their disorder behaviour isn't unique. There are definitely people not actively trying to recover but we can still all do our best to give them the right response and hopefully the fact that there are some amazing recovered/recovering people on here will inspire them to want to recover.

    Not going to lie, I was using MFP to fuel my ED for a while. But being given good proper advice by those in the know was a HUGE step to turning myself around, in fact without the support of certain people I definitely would still be in the grip of ED and not in treatment. So let's just hope that those people can look at the good examples of those who are doing well.

    Please also, if you see a post which might be triggering or seems in any way pro-ED (even if you think it's marginal) report it so I can put a warning in the topic and censor numbers etc if necessary...
  • jescadet
    jescadet Posts: 14 Member
    Not going to lie, I was using MFP to fuel my ED for a while. But being given good proper advice by those in the know was a HUGE step to turning myself around, in fact without the support of certain people I definitely would still be in the grip of ED and not in treatment. So let's just hope that those people can look at the good examples of those who are doing well.

    ME TOO! I have to be vigilant about my motivations every time I log on. Finding this support community was such a blessing but definitely not what I thought I was looking for originally. As for not finding enough recovery in this group, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world” - Mahatma Gandhi
  • I don't know if I fall in the "not ready for recovery" group or not, but if I do and I'm harming anyone else's recovery, I sincerely and completely apologize. I've honestly just been struggling with the very idea that I might have an eating disorder. I am still not 100% sure that I do. For me, it's not about not wanting to recover - if I have a problem, I want to resolve it. I'm just having trouble defining what is going on with me in those terms. I am thin, but I don't think of my eating as disordered, really, but I know it isn't totally normal, either. I am happy to leave the group if I'm harming anyone else in their recovery. I definitely don't want to be a part of a pro-ED group, though - I have no interest in having an ED or encouraging anyone else to have or continue having one. I want to be healthy - I'm just trying to figure out exactly what that means for me.
  • theroadto100
    theroadto100 Posts: 209 Member
    I was definitely on here for a while in an attempt to keep my ed going. Seeing that little line that told me I was eating too few calories at the end of every day gave me such a high. I felt so powerful. And looking at others diaries and seeing how over their limit they were or high their intake was that day made me feel superior. I'm trying to change that now, though. It's hard, but for the past week I've hit 1200 calories every day.
  • I was definitely on here for a while in an attempt to keep my ed going. Seeing that little line that told me I was eating too few calories at the end of every day gave me such a high. I felt so powerful. And looking at others diaries and seeing how over their limit they were or high their intake was that day made me feel superior. I'm trying to change that now, though. It's hard, but for the past week I've hit 1200 calories every day.

    Keep up the GREAT work! That is the Hard Work and also the work to brag about. No one said this would be easy, but I think we appreciate it so much more if we have to work for it
  • cowlover22
    cowlover22 Posts: 309 Member
    Well I dont think it is a matter of if you are looking at other peoples diaries or whatever it is just what some of the post have turned into. There were post that were asking for advice on how to hide your ed and how to advoid eating and those kinds of called tips is all. Everybody is in a different place but this isnt that place to ask for tips on how to keep your ed..God knows I have way to many of them but I would gladly give you things that might be helpful in fighting your ED. I am not recovered in anyway..just you could say been around the block several times. So just think before you post. Does someone really need to know what your weight is? And if you have a post dealing with BMI or something of that nature than put could be triggering. Sometimes people with eating disorders can get competitive. Like I want to be the skinniest never seems like it is I want to be the healthiest one.
    So basically just dont ask for tips on how to hide it or lose weight or those kinds of things, but if you are struggling with something dont be afraid to ask that either. And I have an open door..not much triggers me so if you need to talk to just have your butt kicked lol email me...I might not have the answer but if i dont know I will find out for you.