welcome to the group.

How I manage being a wife, mother, chef, student and athlete all in 1 day
My day starts at 4am everyday, monday-friday. I wake up at 4am, make breakfast for the family and pack husband's and kid's lunches. after breakfast at about 4:30am, I then begin to get myself ready to take husband to work (we car pool) and ready for the gym. when i arrive at the gym at 5am, i usually stretch and run for 40min- 1 hour on the treadmill. after that i do spin class for 1 hour, after spin class i work out with my trainer/husband for 1 hour. after my workout with my husband i go home and pick up kids to take them to school. after i get the kids off to school, i go home, shower and make myself something to eat and get dressed and ready for class. i'm in school for culinary management. i get to school about 9am and i'm in classes until 5pm. after classes i go to work, i am only doing part time, i don't think that i could handle a full time job now.....anywho???? after work, i get home late around 8pm and spend time with the family until bedtime.. and do it all over again the next day, i cherish the weekends. this blog was created to inspire the working mom or dad or the college student trying to manage school, work and the gym or for just anyone who needs a little inspiration.


  • tenoclockbird
    Good idea for a new group. Thanks. I'm going to feel pretty lazy when I sleep until 6:50 tomorrow morning.

  • Shawndad
    @bird im sleeping in tomorrow too so we can feel lazy together