6months post partum and still trying to shed the pounds


My baby girl is now 6 months old and I havent lost anymore weight since Ive had her.

I was 190 full term.
Then dropped to 166.
Now I yoyo from166-169. I am nursing full time. Baby is eating solids 2-3 times a day.
I sometimes get 5hrs straight sleep at night.
I work out of my home as a dog groomer, which only takes about 3 hours of my day.
I eat pretty decent. I find it hard to find time to go on my treadmill, as my husband works out of town, and when my older son does help with the baby, I find myself tending to household chores more than working out.

I have started jillian michaels 30 day shred and am on day 2. I am very sore, but feel terrific after doing it.

My fat weight used to be 140lbs. Then I got pregnant and miscarried and was up to 150.
So I would like to get back down to 140. But seems like i have a long ways to go, especially if since i havent lost anymore pounds.

I hope it is just a lack of exercise. I lost the weight with my son so much faster, but that was 9 years ago and i was going to school everyday and working out and getting out.

Looking for support and advice of anykind. As well as friends to help me on my journey.


  • agranados87
    agranados87 Posts: 23 Member
    I would say that lack of exercise is definitely a contributing factor. Even getting out and going for a walk would probably help, if you're able. What is your diet like? I know you said you eat pretty decent, but do you eat a lot of carbs or anything like that?
  • I have to say that with both my exclusively breastfed babies (until i introduced solids), I hit a weight plateau at 6 months and found the weight does not come off as easy. My son is 10 months old- my goal is also 140lbs. Here is some things I do to help see myself through to my goal:

    -this is going to sound ridiculous, but I eat baby food. Since I make my son's baby food (& now he's starting to eat more table food), I eat the jarred vegetables that are free through a program we are in. Green beans, peas, sweet potatoes, squash, carrots. So my advice is to sneak in vegetables anyway you can. baby food is an easy way to get some in, quickly.
    -you said you are often doing chores/cleaning around the house? I know when i do this, my heart rate is going.clean harder and faster?!
    -on mfp, i've been tracking my sugar-which, i didn't realize that i consume 2x the allotted amount! I am a sugar junky! soo this is def an area of weakness for me.
    -DANCE with your baby : ) there are really some awesome dvd's that you can do that involve using your baby as a weight. I did these a lot with my first baby---not so much time to do this with baby #2.
    -I also walk around my house squeezing my stomach muscles as much as i can remember. I want a flat stomach- I also do this while cleaning or lifting. makes me focus a little bit more about the area.

    - be kind and patient with yourself, i read an article in my health magazine that said people who are more compassionate with themselves are happier, healthy, and less stressed=being more thin.