
fetchfury Posts: 84 Member

I thought I would join this group as I am from an Algerian/English background, but haven't really grown up in a
Muslim environment, it was only my dad and my mothers side is Catholic. I've never really made up my mind
about my faith, but I thought I should join in here and meet some people as I've never really met a lot of other
Muslims apart from the rare occasions I visit my family in Algeria!

thanks, hope to speak to some of you soon.


  • goodhealth2012
    Hi, just saw that nobody has replied to you yet! Shame on us! I will add you as a friend and send you a message. :)
  • smb0701
    smb0701 Posts: 234
    well As-salaamu Alaikum anyway. take your time about it and be sure. it will happen if it is Allah's will.
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    Waleikoum esalaam,
    WOW machallah I am married to an Algerian and now living in DZ for 6yrs now. As Smb says Allah wills whom HE will so just keep praying for guidance!
  • kashudesu
    kashudesu Posts: 7
    Oh Hi there!! Salaam Alykum~~*
    Welcome to the group :]!!!

    *laughs* When Allah wishes to reveal himself to you, He will when the time is right.
    In the meantime... welcome? :DDDD!
    Insha'ALLAH we can all support each other on our journeys!!
