WoW Advice



  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    i play Lord of the Rings Online and from what i have been told it is alot like wow. the good thing about the "guild" i am in is that it consists of 3 of my coworkers and that is all. i work 40 hours a week, spend 15 to 20 hours a week at the gym and still have time to play this. it is however all about priorities....

    Yeah I'm the opposite with LotRO. I raid 3-4 nights a week, but I make sure that I still make time for myself (got home from work today, ran, stretched for a loooooooong time, ate dinner, then raided, haha).

    LotRO is indeed similar to WoW, but with much more realistic graphics. I tried WoW but only lasted a couple hours due to the cartoonish nature. I know others who have tried it and quit for the same reason. The community is also another reason they either leave for LotRO or come back to us :tongue: There are obviously pros and cons to both games (one major one is that LotRO is smaller, so fewer people to play with, but also fewer kids, so that could be both a con and pro). From what I understand, building of characters is something that is very different between the two games as well, in terms of stats and such.

    Hit me up if you're interested in giving LotRO a shot as well and I'd be willing to help you get started :smile: More options = better, IMO. Might hate LotRO and love WoW or vice versa!
  • spazzticaunt
    How much is it a month? 14.99 a month

    Can someone tell me a little about the game?

    The game has an on going storyline that started way back when Warcraft was made for a PC game only after the first 3 PC only games they Made the game playable online. You do quests, "hang out" with friends and guildmates, You can craft, Do dungeons which start out as 5 man groups, then later on after you cap ur level you can get into 10 and 25 man raids. You can PVP if you wish or Play on a Role Playing server, or play on a server that is called a PVPRP server also, which in reality would probably be best if your truly into role playing. I love the game personally and I have been playing for about 7 years or so off and on. The Game has little over 10 million players world wide. My personal Preferance is a Non PVP server due to the fact that I hate world PVP in most cases. I usually play on the PVE or the PVERP servers,

    Do I have full control over my characters looks/stats at the beginning?]

    Yes pretty much. You can chose hair, color of skin, type of race, Markings, facial hair. If you decide you don't like the look you chose then you do have the option to use the barber shop in the game to change ur hair, hair color and ect. The only thing you wouldn't be able to change is the skin tone and the facial features. You can have 10 characters per server. I know there is a cap on how many you can have over all but I'm not sure what it is. I've heard anywhere between 40 to 100 so i'm not really sure.

    The main advice I can give you is that if you decide to try it please download the 14 day trial version first before you buy the game because the last thing you want is to spend money on a game just to figure out that you don't like it. Also, if you do decide to try it make sure to tell folks you group with that you are new and are just learning to play. When you tell folks that usually in most cases (not always) but in most cases the veterans of the game will be more understanding.
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    If you like Super Heroes
    City of Heroes is pretty good
    Ive been around with that one almost 8yrs (on and off last few months since I got more heavy into wow)
    All there expans are FREE
    its free to play now but you get more perks with paying $15/mo
    DCUO went F2p also
    try wow up to level 20 only downfall is wow keeps coming out with expans which costs more and more $$$ over time
    It can be addictive if you don't know how to put the game down

    I personally make sure I do my workouts and housework before EVER logging onto any game (unless its my wii fit/zumba/dance)

    Im a housewife so i really have no excuses to keep my discipline
  • lour441
    lour441 Posts: 543 Member
    What job do you have that pays for games?
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    What job do you have that pays for games?
    game store?
  • scunningham2012
    scunningham2012 Posts: 159 Member
    WoW is good, I played on and off with my fiance for the last 2 years (he's been playing since the dawn of time lol). However, we have both given up on WoW to play SWTOR (Star Wars: The Old Republic for those who don't know *snorts at the idea*). If it's your first time playing the quest are fun and different, once you hit max level it kind of ends. This goes for any MMORPG's that are out there right now. If hit max level do everything you can to prepare for the next big boss, defeat that boss about five times and you're bored. A lot of people get mad at this; but, it's how the MMORPG's can make their money.

    If you like RPG's it's a good one. If you've actually read the story behind Warcraft it's very interesting to play and see some of that story come to life. Personally, I have no interest in playing WoW again because I love Star Wars and will be getting the Kinect game of Star Wars when it comes out. If you do get WoW be considerate with how you play and make sure to exercise!! My hips have gotten soooo wide from sitting infront of a computer playing MMORPG's.

    I've Played: WoW, Rift, and SWTOR :)