New member here HI!

LadyFleata Posts: 32 Member
HI I'm Tracey.I'm 32 live near Birmingham. I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Hypothyroidism, makes loosing weight an uphill struggle.

Currently i'm using a static bike on the lower resistance setting and Exerbest gym class workout on the wii. Both are low impact so no stress on my joints.

I have a blog where i post a daily blog about how im coping, what im trying and what i find out about CFS alont the way.

I was recommended this site as i have wasted money on weight watchers and tescos diets both of which didnt loose me a single lbs but cost me lost of £££'s.

I'm also allergic to wheat, severely allergic to wheat and aspartame, which means alot of diet and none sugar food/drinks are a no go too.

Coping everyday and my husband stops my buying chocolate. To date I havent had a single peice of choclate single boxing 2011 to 1 month and counting. It's not easy tho, I crave chocolate everyday.

Hoping to lose 10-15lbs so not much feels like its more like 100lbs but nvm trying all the same


  • dawnlangley74
    dawnlangley74 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Tracey great to meet you!! I'm also new here, I'm married with five kids, three dogs and two cats. Live in yorkshire, always been overweight, thought I had it beat two years ago when I lost three stone but have since put more than a stone back on - current weight 214lbs - too heavy!!!
  • Hi Tracey :-D Great going on avoiding chocolate, hopefully you'll work past cravings! I've tried WW and nearly tesco's, numerous gyms, maximuscle.......wasted god knows how much on not getting anywhere. I'm really liking this site and hope i can stick it with the help of friends on the site. Wish you all the best with your goals
  • Hi Ladies

    Do you mind if i join?

    I am 43...married..i have 3 children all boys 1x 20yr old 1x 8yr old and 1x 22mths! Each time i wasn't having anymore!! lol

    My weight loss story ...very short version so as to keep you awake - I have tried every diet/weight loss plan/supplement/scheme/pill etc etc...lost weight with them all and then put it back on again. I recently got to a point where i was at my heaviest 215lbs+ and i was miserable so i went to my doctors and just cried. She sent me to a scheme run by the NHS (It's free) and they have been amazing...they actually recommended this site and said to keep using it when there 12 week scheme finishes. They promote the portion size and healthy eating plate and exercise and eating as close to nature as possible... has been working! I have lost 9lb so far but only joined here yesterday so i am showing as no weight loss yet. I think this site is great so easy to use and keep track of what you are doing and the groups if you need help or motivation.

    I promised i would keep this short so i will end here...would love to here your stories and any info/tips you may have.


    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    Welcome Tracey, Debbie, Dawn and Tudrase :flowerforyou:

    Hope you enjoy the site and find it helpful. Tracey I thought you may be interested in this CFS website, I have heard good reports :happy: :
  • TeeferTiger
    TeeferTiger Posts: 136 Member
    Yo :smile: I have Chronic Migraines with possible New Daily Persistent Headache so exercising is also difficult, I hear ya!

    Welcome x