does anyone have malabsorbtion syndrome related to their cel

ALH1981 Posts: 538 Member
i have got severe anemia due to this?


  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Anemia is a common result of celiac. As your gut heals, your anemia should get better. You may need to supplement in the meantime. What did your doctor say?

  • ALH1981
    ALH1981 Posts: 538 Member
    i have to have intravenous iron infusions.......

    celiac is so frustrating
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    How frustrating. I assume they have checked your B12 and other vitamin levels, and told you how to increase your iron absorption.

  • ALH1981
    ALH1981 Posts: 538 Member
    yeah they did - its related to the celiac - the frustrating thing is that ALL my other absorption is 100% all my other blood tests are healthy, normal and good - its just the iron - infact the IRON STORES - nothing sticks!!! i am constantly tired, dark circles but my issue is i don't have an off button and have operated at a sub-standard level when i didn't even know about this so i just continue anyway!!! its not very good ...

    have you had this symptom - so many of the symptoms you list out i have daily - its so frustrating - i guess i didn't take the celiac diagnosis seriously enough....

    anyw suggestions for a newcomer? Im really pretty good about my diet - i eat as cleanly as possible - almost NOTHING from packets, all whole natural foods - and if its in that format ill eat everything and anything!!! don't really miss bread pasta etc as i never really ate that anyway - my problem is sauces - salad dressings etc....
  • mehaugen
    mehaugen Posts: 210 Member
    I take iron supplements. Its the only supplement I take, although recently I started taking Vitamin Code's B complex. I'm not a fan of supplements but I still suffer from slight anemia that won't go away. A few years ago, when I got my iron levels tested regularly, I noticed they went way up when I ate beans. I no longer eat beans because I am Paleo, but if you do you might give them a try as well.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Paradoxically, I was always borderline anemic until I went vegetarian. Then my iron when back to normal. And this was before my celiac diagnosis. I quit red meat because it would make me throw up for three days, especially if I had dairy with it. My theory is that (because I am intolerant of it) it was probably causing a low-level bleed in my gut that I was never aware of. So watch carefully for other foods that you may be intolerant of, that may be causing some sort of other damage in your body.

  • ALH1981
    ALH1981 Posts: 538 Member
    i have started seeing a new hematologist, and she says that the chronic anemia is very very common for people with GI diseases. It make me feel so much more reassured - i was feeling very alone with this before.

    I am having iron infusions intravenously every week for the next few months, and apparently will feel brilliant by the end of it!!!

    defiantly cannot wait for that!