What's your 5 day plan? Week ending 1/27/12

Let us in on what you plan on doing to meet your goal of 5 days of working out. :happy:

For me, I plan on getting back to the gym after a long hiatus. My routine before was MWF cardio for 45 mins and core work for 15 mins. TTh was cardio for 30 mins and weights for 30 mins.

This time around, I'm going to try to add in more variety to keep things interesting. Possibly more yoga, budokan, and MAYBE zumba. I have two left feet, so we'll see about the latter. :blushing:


  • digitalmayhap
    digitalmayhap Posts: 141 Member

    I will be doing this. Sunday-Thursday (no break days in between)
  • To get back into the exercise groove, I'm going to make myself do the 3 miles on my Leslie Sansom Walk Away the Pounds DVD. It is INTENSE! It takes approximately 38 minutes and is a crazy sweaty workout (for me). I'm going to do that at least 5 days this week! I'm so happy to be getting back on that horse!! :)
  • alil2loveable
    alil2loveable Posts: 178 Member
    This week I will be weight training MWF (full body circuit) T/THU Cardio HIIT's (30 minutes) in addition this week my goal is to keep my Carb intake to 20 grams. Wish Me luck.......
  • Charice
    Charice Posts: 188 Member
    Well, tonight I am going to be playing basketball as I coach my daughter's team and we have practice...I always play with the girls and work up quite a sweat. The rest of my week looks like this:

    Tues: Coach in game (still get sweaty but not as bad...I take the games too seriously sometimes)
    Gym - 30 minutes cardio (Elliptical), 30 minutes weight circuit
    Wed: 30 min cardio (C25K), 15 min abs

    Thurs: Gym - 30 min cardio, 30 min weights

    Friday: C25K. 15 min abs

    Sat: C25K, 15 min abs
  • I'm also doing the C25K training, on the treadmill for now until it warms up here and I can run outside safely. Just completed Week 1 Day 1 today. :)