New Here



  • Angel_Eyes1975
    Angel_Eyes1975 Posts: 132 Member
    I was diagnosed hypothyroid 5 years ago. Lately I have been off my meds and very inconsistent the last year and I can see and feel it. Been so busy going back to school that I haven't taken care of myself as well as usual. Getting back on track is my priority right now as I get ready to graduate.

    The last few weeks since joining this site I have lost a few pounds, gained it back, lost a few pounds... but overall I am eating better with less carbs and exercising way more than I was before. That's a success in itself. I know the weight will come off easier once my meds are right.

    I'm searching for a new doctor, does anyone have suggestions on good questions to ask - specifically for hypothyroid help?

    So happy to find a support group for this here!

    I am going to the thyroid doctor next week to find out what the problem is I am trying to think of everything that i can to ask but i always draw a blank
  • laurierdz
    laurierdz Posts: 2
    New here too. Just found out last week that I had an underactive thyroid after years of battling symptoms. Thankfully I found a doc that would listen and finally diagnosed me. I'm glad to know my symptoms weren't just in my head. Started meds this week. I'm glad to know there was a group with like individuals battling the same issues.
  • laurierdz
    laurierdz Posts: 2
    Thanks for the info/website. Just diagnosed last week. Right now I'm just glad to know the symptoms weren't "all in my head".
  • Angel_Eyes1975
    Angel_Eyes1975 Posts: 132 Member
    good morning and happy friday everyone.. wishing you all a great day and hope everyone is feeling well..
  • iambuttercup
    iambuttercup Posts: 31 Member
    I am new here too and so happy to find a group of people who just understand. I have been diagnosed for approximately 9 years now although it took a long time and another continent before I found out why I was feeling so ill. I try to look after myself go to the gym regularly and eat healthily but have put weight on. Am being proactive and have hired a PT to try and direct me how to shift the weight and went to my GP yesterday to get my meds increased from 125mg to 150mg with a blood test pending. I am feeling very tired, emotional, angry and not sleeping on a night so I hope this increase helps. I am fed up of being told that my results are within normal range and will continue to argue that I am an individual who knows when my body is not right and not some lab rat who's results fit in within some guidelines. I don't think that people who do not suffer with the condition appreciate how it affects you as an individual and I seem unable to find the words to explain how it impacts on me and my life. Would love to make new friends who I don't have to explain to xxx
    No need, I get it. You and all he others on this thyroid hel ride are not alone. It takes a shift in the way we deal with things that takes a while to get. Be vigilant in your search for the right dosages. Make sure they test your free T3 and cortisol. Get the supplement specific to optimize everything. Check out dr mark Hyman on youtube and this article
  • iambuttercup
    iambuttercup Posts: 31 Member
  • iambuttercup
    iambuttercup Posts: 31 Member
  • LetGo23
    LetGo23 Posts: 5 Member
    Welcome, let the journey begin :)
  • khanxa
    khanxa Posts: 4
    Hi all
    Just posted this on another group so sorry if you have already read it : )
    I went to see my gp yesterday to find out my blood results and was hoping for an increase in levothyroxine and was told my levels are now over the ranges and i am hyper and overmedicated!
    I am convinced i am not converting t4 into t3 as i am still symptomatic and very much hypo(even my body temp is low and pulse rate low...makes no sense).
    My gp is lovely and said he doesnt know what the answer is but will help me find a specialist ...ive decided to see Dr Skinner in Birmigham now with the hope of starting on a natural thyroid med or t3 etc which i cant get where i live.
    Ive been symptomatic for 6 years and only diagnosed last year, i cant wait any longer to get back to being a healthy 30 something woman any more.
    Ive ordered a ft3 test pack from a private company, the results of that will tell me if im not converting properlly as before i started levo my ft3 was great, top end of the range ( was just my low ft4 and high tsh that was showing i was hypo) so if my ft3 is lower than before then i would assume my body is storing the t4 and the t3 isnt getting any.
    So confusing.
    I had hoped i was on my way to getting better and was hoping to be able to lose the 3 stone ive put on, but looks like i wont be able to now until things are sorted.
    Has anyone else been in a similar situation before?


    i am a 29 year male and been taking levo thyroxine since birth, i need some advise on how to gain a few pounds of mass, as im under weight,
    my hight is 5ft.10in and 132lb, The ideal weight for my age and height should be 172lb,

    i take 125mcg of levothyroxine per day, please help on why is it so hard to put on weight,

  • 52in13
    52in13 Posts: 38 Member
    I have an underactive thyroid. When I turned 31, I weighed 230 lbs and decided to start dieting. I couldn't lose a thing! and even gained 10 lbs! My doctor tested my TSH and put me on synthroid, but I still couldn't lose weight. Honestly, I wasn't trying hard enough. I still ate out, didn't exercise (except for the occassional dog walk) and carbs were a big part of our diet.

    I decided this year to really put my nose to the grind stone. I started taking my meds on a regular basis, started walking the dog at least three times a week, and cut our bread, pasta, and potatoes.

    Now, I have lost six lbs in 3 weeks! Whooo hooo! but I am gonna need support to keep it going.:bigsmile: