workout DVD for those in flats?

I've bought many workout DVDs over the years, but usually give up after the first attempt cost I live in a first floor flat. I'm always scared the neighbours will think I'm coming through the ceiling!!
has anyone got any suggestions for DVDs that are not too 'jumpy' for want of a better word?!
I've recently purchased one called fightfx from Amazon, it's not too bad on the jumping up & down front, but looking for something new.


  • blondeboms
    blondeboms Posts: 73 Member
    I know what you mean! I'm in a second floor flat and used to worry about the ppl below me. I dont have any that doesnt involve alot of jumping other than yoga so i'm not much help. If i have to jump around (lots of jumping jacks in 30 day shred) i do it on a rug and it seems to lighten the impact and it stops the banging.
  • theonly1iknow
    theonly1iknow Posts: 90 Member
    Yea i've tried doing the jumping jacks in 30ds in the doorway where it doesn't seem to
    thump as much! But it's really not ideal!
  • PeeTeePee
    PeeTeePee Posts: 235 Member
    My wife and I are using Leslie Sansone's 'Walk Away the Pounds'. No jumping about and it's a good workout imho.
  • Anna_43
    Anna_43 Posts: 117
    First floor flat too here BUT:

    1) single man living below is never at home

    2) my dvd player packed up some time ago
    3) got a large window, no curtains in the living room - can not put curtains up as the massive cat tree (got 4 cats, sometimes is right against it and it is cat's fav place/observation point, putting up curtains... they would hate me (and eat my chicken)

    2 and 3 are my excuses and I am sticking tho those :)
  • leftwondering
    I have pilates for dummies, which doesn't involve a lot of jumping around, its pretty good, I'm in the same situation with someone living below me and it seems to be fine.
  • janehen12
    janehen12 Posts: 162 Member
    I've given up looking and just started jumping, I seem to be fairly light on my feet for a fatty, and its not that bad! I'm not even sure the one under me is occupied, but if someone does come up then i'll reconsider, or just ask them when they work!
  • JaneUK
    JaneUK Posts: 102
    i have a resistance band DVD that isn't jumpy! But i can't think for the life of me what it's called now and it's in a different country at the moment! Try looking on Amazon...?
  • ackeebee
    ackeebee Posts: 1,042 Member
    i live in a first floor flat and this was something i was worried about at first. i found working out barefeet (though a pain on the feet sometimes) really helped to keep the noise down (i have wooden floors). as sometimes i tend to do these workouts at abt 6am, i dont want to risk waking anyone up.
  • Danielle_2011
    Danielle_2011 Posts: 6 Member
    I also live in a 1st floor flat and have found working out in bare feet better. I also use "Get fit with Mel B for the xbox kinect which i find great or Zumba and the biggest loser for the Wii
    Good Luck

    D x
  • simples88
    First floor-er here-saw this discussion and had a chuckle to myself. I have zumba and a fitness game for the wii but I think I sound like a baby elephant... Proven when in the midst of zumba'ing on day someone rang my doorbell - when I got there no one was there, plus I live in a secure building so it must of been a neighbour -prob the one below- letting me know her ceiling was coming through. I've tried to clock what her movements are, obviously not in a stalker way but trying to work out when I can get a bit of exercising in but she seems to keep really irregular hours-must be a shift worker or a home worker. Anyway, spend most my exercise time down at the gym now...until I get round to moving!