Do you have days when you don't track your food?



  • seguess
    seguess Posts: 36 Member
    My nutrition coach gives me one free day per week. The first free day, I ate everything I could get my hands on--Doritos, macaroni & cheese, chicken fried rice. Since then, I feel better by splurging on dinner instead of splurging all day. I am a firm believer that if you deny yourself something you like, you'll binge on it. At least I will, anyway. I think there's value in a free day.
  • hippechickie
    hippechickie Posts: 26 Member
    I track everyday. If I gave myself one day not to track I would talk myself into Hardy's. Just as an added comment: I was watching the Today show awhile back. The fitness lady from the biggest loser was the guest and she tracks her calories everyday. The lady doing the interview agreed that she also trackes her calories every day and then Al Roaker jumped in and said he does the same. They all called it a lifestyle commitment that becomes simple as time goes on..