
emrys1976 Posts: 213 Member
Anyone celebrating the upcoming holiday? If so, what will you be doing?

I'm in a coven (at least for two more weeks - then I'm moving 700 miles away) and agreed to write the ceremony for Imbolc this year. I'm doing workings based on the Scottish stories of the Cailleach becoming Brigid after drinking from the well of youth. I'm pretty excited about it. I think it will be fun.


  • blissfuldrake
    blissfuldrake Posts: 128 Member
    We're looking to do another bonfire in the back yard. Although this is not a Solstice or Equinox...the normal 'fire' rituals, it is connected to Bride/Brigette/Bridget and She is connected to sacred fires and metalsmithing. The fire of creativity and imagination are also in her domain. Our household is a group of retired/disabled female Pagans. As such, we have the luxury of being able to do the rituals on the actual dates, rather than having to compromise due to work schedules on a different, close date.

    When I am doing really serious, heavy-duty work, I cast circle with Brigit for the energy in the East. But all that, and my reasonings for it are the matter for another post...LOL