team twilight february challenge...

chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
post your ideas here! we need something a little naughty...


  • MindyBlack
    MindyBlack Posts: 954 Member
    post your ideas here! we need something a little naughty...

    Then better get Twijourney on this one. That's right up her alley. Sorry Twi! Love ya!!
  • ScarlettVamp
    ScarlettVamp Posts: 828 Member
    post your ideas here! we need something a little naughty...

    Then better get Twijourney on this one. That's right up her alley. Sorry Twi! Love ya!!

    I'm not bad. I'm just drawn that way. - Jessica Rabbit :tongue:
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Bump for later ... I definitely like naughty though!
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Something naughty and guilt free at the same time..........................
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    ^ Word.
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I would like to propose that we try to eat more fruit! Yah, and more chocolate and more coffee, yah, that's right!

    Okay, NOT REALLY, but maybe we could replace the veggies with fruit for February, and maybe a fruity recipe once a week?
  • I would like to propose that we try to eat more fruit! Yah, and more chocolate and more coffee, yah, that's right!

    Okay, NOT REALLY, but maybe we could replace the veggies with fruit for February, and maybe a fruity recipe once a week?
    Fruit idea is good. I can keep my veg quota up during week, but not so hot on the fruit side of things...
  • sykin
    sykin Posts: 1,676 Member
    Fruit is my biggest challenge as well. I love eating it, but I always forget about it after I buy it and it goes bad!

    What about adding in something about staying under your calories for the day? Like 1 point a day or something for being good all week? haha
  • ScarlettVamp
    ScarlettVamp Posts: 828 Member
    How about this....keeping Mindy's model for January but subbing fruits for veggies:

    1) Earn one point for every day you eat at least one serving of fruit (canned, frozen, or fresh), but it can't have added sugar (fruit jam, fruit in heavy syrup, fruit pie filling, etc. don't count). Strive for at least one serving each and every day. Up to 7 points/week.

    2) Earn one point for each new fruit you eat (one you've never tried before or one you haven't had in a long time). Strive for trying at least one new fruit each week. Up to 7 points/week.

    I think we should continue with cardio minutes and water as we did in January since these are both so important to us all achieving our fitness goals.

    As for the recipe part...well, what can you make with fruit that's healthy? Hmmm....I'm sure there are some things out there that I'm just unaware of. Do you want to continue with recipes that include fruit?

    Also, if we keep with this model, do we want to be vamps vs. wolves or individuals? If individuals, maybe the "winner" for the month would get a Twi-surprise in their mailbox (if I can get my hands on some Twi-loot) and if the winner is willing to share their address.

  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    How about this....keeping Mindy's model for January but subbing fruits for veggies:

    1) Earn one point for every day you eat at least one serving of fruit (canned, frozen, or fresh), but it can't have added sugar (fruit jam, fruit in heavy syrup, fruit pie filling, etc. don't count). Strive for at least one serving each and every day. Up to 7 points/week.

    2) Earn one point for each new fruit you eat (one you've never tried before or one you haven't had in a long time). Strive for trying at least one new fruit each week. Up to 7 points/week.

    I think we should continue with cardio minutes and water as we did in January since these are both so important to us all achieving our fitness goals.

    As for the recipe part...well, what can you make with fruit that's healthy? Hmmm....I'm sure there are some things out there that I'm just unaware of. Do you want to continue with recipes that include fruit?

    Also, if we keep with this model, do we want to be vamps vs. wolves or individuals? If individuals, maybe the "winner" for the month would get a Twi-surprise in their mailbox (if I can get my hands on some Twi-loot) and if the winner is willing to share their address.


    I am IN. Love the ideas. I'm sure I could come up with a fruity recipe or two. Hmm thinking of one right now! I can help work on a new Excel spreadsheet. And maybe Stacy can pick us some beautiful Valen-tiny Twilighty Fruity photos to put on it.
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    i am *digging* the fruit challenge! especially the aphrodisiacs!

    why don't we go with individuals this round? who do you :heart: ?

    and we might need to disqualify edward and jacob from this round just be fair to the others - i mean, we all know they carry the heavy titles - jacob, especially! :tongue:

    what do you think?
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    i am *digging* the fruit challenge! especially the aphrodisiacs!

    why don't we go with individuals this round? who do you :heart: ?

    and we might need to disqualify edward and jacob from this round just be fair to the others - i mean, we all know they carry the heavy titles - jacob, especially! :tongue:

    what do you think?

    I think I :heart: Carlisle and his surgeon hands! That man is delicious!
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,446 Member
    All good ideas, but may I suggest that we count fruit or veggies in this challenge. Yes, fruit is healthy, but I must admit to a serious fruit addiction, so I really don't need to get a point for eating 3 pounds of grapes in a sitting. I think the same would work with recipes since many fruit recipes are desserts.

    I think competing as individuals is a good idea, and the winner gets to keep the vampire of her choice.:love:
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I'll take Jasper this challenge, sorry Alice, you get him all the rest of the time! And to be honest, Alice should have seen that coming! ha ha ha ha ha
  • I'll take Jasper this challenge, sorry Alice, you get him all the rest of the time! And to be honest, Alice should have seen that coming! ha ha ha ha ha
    Do we all have to have one different.... would have loved Jasper........... Do you fancy sharing. lol......
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I'll take Jasper this challenge, sorry Alice, you get him all the rest of the time! And to be honest, Alice should have seen that coming! ha ha ha ha ha
    Do we all have to have one different.... would have loved Jasper........... Do you fancy sharing. lol......

    Clairelane, I will be happy to share Jasper with you! There's more than enough to go around! :love:
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,446 Member
    I'll take Jasper this challenge, sorry Alice, you get him all the rest of the time! And to be honest, Alice should have seen that coming! ha ha ha ha ha
    Do we all have to have one different.... would have loved Jasper........... Do you fancy sharing. lol......

    Clairelane, I will be happy to share Jasper with you! There's more than enough to go around! :love:

    I would have chosen Jasper, too. But if I have to settle for Emmett, I'll force myself -- I'm not afraid of Rosalie ... (whimper).
  • zzzzia
    zzzzia Posts: 234 Member
    Is it too late to join in your challenge?
    I just started on this website, and this challenge is fun and motivating :)

  • ScarlettVamp
    ScarlettVamp Posts: 828 Member
    Is it too late to join in your challenge?
    I just started on this website, and this challenge is fun and motivating :)


    It's never too late to join us Twi-hards! Welcome! :happy:
  • ScarlettVamp
    ScarlettVamp Posts: 828 Member
    I'll take Jasper this challenge, sorry Alice, you get him all the rest of the time! And to be honest, Alice should have seen that coming! ha ha ha ha ha
    Do we all have to have one different.... would have loved Jasper........... Do you fancy sharing. lol......

    Clairelane, I will be happy to share Jasper with you! There's more than enough to go around! :love:

    I would have chosen Jasper, too. But if I have to settle for Emmett, I'll force myself -- I'm not afraid of Rosalie ... (whimper).

    Originally, when I said "individuals", I meant did we want to compete as teams (Team Edward vs. Team Jacob) or against one another. That being said, I like individual characters too! I'm totally not taking Emmett....I AM afraid of Rosalie! Hmm....I'm definitely not a wolf lover (the smell ya' know!), and if Edward needs a rest, then I'm definitely after CARLISLE. Brains, kindness, killer good looks, and can write a prescription for what ails more ways than one. YUM!:tongue:
  • Well, i jumped on scales this morning to update febs google sheet and have lost 2lbs of TOM weight since saturday.... If i can keep on this roll, i hope to double that by saturday when i weigh again.... fingers crossed peeps.x
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    okay - i'm still in for the challenge, but i'm not tracking my weight. it's too frustrating. but i'll post points for everything else. hope this doesn't disqualify me.

    <keep in mind that if you choose to disqualify me i will be forced to rip you limb from limb and set you on fire.>
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    Is it too late to join in your challenge?
    I just started on this website, and this challenge is fun and motivating :)


    welcome aboard!