Where to get 6WSP cheap?

The cheapest way get it from netflix or borrow it from your libary :)
Other than that I found it on Amazon for 7.73$
And on Walmart for 7.50$ and you can send it to the store of your choice <3!
It is cheap and not much :) so lets do it!! <3


  • usmcwallacewife
    usmcwallacewife Posts: 11 Member
    We bought it on Amazon and it arrived the next day. We haven't started it yet so this is a perfect time to start! My brother and sister-in law are doing it with me as well.
  • NoirDeAmor
    I'll see if I can order the DVD this week after I get paid.
  • haruvamp
    Either this hun, or you can borrow it for free from the library or get it from netflix :) They have a 1 month free trial at netflix right now ;)!
  • haj0808
    haj0808 Posts: 51 Member
    You can watch level one Free on you tube..the whole first level so no need to wait to start. Just Google it under video in choice of web,images etc. You can see the first level on the internet that's how I'm doing it for now.