thinking of starting P90 on Saturday

Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member got about half way through that damned 30 DS and decided it wasn't for me - too hard on the knees. I also wanted something more intense and so am thinking of starting P90. I've run therough the level 1 cardio and sculpt once each time and really liked it. I definitely like having a rest day between lifting sessions.

I don't have a lot to lose, maybe 10lbs of body fat and really just want to lower my body fat percentage as its about 29%.

How did everyone find Power 90? Does this sound like the right programme for this aim?


  • rider72
    rider72 Posts: 119
    I jhavent used P90 (went straight for P90X), but I have a couple of friends that picked it up afte they tried P90X (and founf that too difficult). THe worksouts are shorter, and you get a good workout fro the series. The feedback they had was positive overall. One of my friends has knee issues as well, so thats why he opted for that program.

    Havent heard him complain yet about the knees...
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Thank you!