progress report

Well ladies...the month is coming to a are we all doing???


  • Well I wish I could say I was doing FANTASTIC ha ha but had a mental breakdown yesterday. I've stopped weighing myself so that should help. Really was frustrated at Abs last night but I think Monday's are just blah anyways :) Hopefully I'll start seeing more progress soon!!
  • Don't worry about the bad days, you can always look back on them and laugh :)
    I started out losing the 1st week and leveled off, so I am also frustrated. I don't enjoy the scale and only get on once a week for tracking purposes. I am fitting into old (smaller) jeans so screw the scale for now...
    I know that it is mostly all about food tracking cuz I exercised like crazy since May and only a few pounds loss to show for it...that gets me. Keep up the good work and hopefully we both can start shedding soon!!