Belly fat- Which foods bust belly fat?

It seems like many in our group have the same trouble spot- the belly!

Here's a list of some fat busting belly foods that I am trying:

1. Sunflower seeds (roasted, unsalted) eating 2 teaspoons of sunflower seeds a day (My mom just told me about this, I started today and I will tell you the results!)
2. Hot Water drinking hot water or hot water with lemon (I did this yesterday and noticed my stomach was a lot flatter by the end of the day b/c it aids in digestions. This is ancient chinese medicine wisdom.
3. Matcha green tea- this is a delicious and healthy concentrated green tea power, it has 10X the power of regular green tea and it's natural. It will give you a lot of energy if you are looking for an alternative to coffee without jitteryness. I also find coffee can bloat up the stomach. I order it from amazon or get it at an asian market.. it's thick and called the "espresso" of teas. Here's more info on it:

So, what foods or exercise have worked for you?


  • You know, I've heard about hot water doing the trick. I've never tried it but now that you mention it I think I should.

    I've also heard about cinnamon being key. Here's an article about it:
  • I have been drinking room temperature water for years and just recently started adding the lemon juice. I truly believe it works!
  • sunflower seeds really
  • BeatlesGirl20
    BeatlesGirl20 Posts: 15 Member
    I take EGCG pills that are from my local health food store it is what is found in green tea to help with weight also Omega 7 has been proven to flatten the belly :)
  • BeetleChe13
    BeetleChe13 Posts: 498 Member
    For people that like tea, you could also try oolong. It's sold on tv as a diet drink, but you can buy it at a local international market. It's more like a black tea, rather bitter, but I like it more than green tea. I don't drink it enough to know if it really burns belly fat or not, but the media sure says it does. I just like the taste. =)
  • I love oolong tea and I had no idea it was good for weight loss. I am definitely gonna try this..
  • Yep! I will let you know how the sunflower seeds work out.. my mom saw this on Dr. Oz.. apparantly everyone who had two teaspoons of sunflower seeds lost significantly more belly inches.
  • I take EGCG pills that are from my local health food store it is what is found in green tea to help with weight also Omega 7 has been proven to flatten the belly :)

    Do these give you any side effects or make you jittery?
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    I'm going to start trying raw apple cider vinegar. Tosca Reno suggests you put 2T in your water before every meal. She says it helps with digestion, and bloating. Here is her blog post.
  • jtwilliams6
    jtwilliams6 Posts: 3 Member
    how much of the hot water-lemon juice mix should I drink a day? And how much lemon juice should I add to a 8 oz. glass of water?

  • I know it hasn't been very long, but Have you notice a difference yet?
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    For which recommendation? I have to say that the raw apple cider vinegar really has been working great. The worst part is getting past the horrible taste. But my belly has shrunk. I should have taken before & after pics, but totally forgot.
  • edubb89
    edubb89 Posts: 2
    Hit that cardio for 40 minutes a day for four days a week!! try the hit method( walk 2min run1 min) for 40 minutes.
    Foods such as avocados, raw almonds, egg whites and organic oats are good for your waist line.
    Just my advice im a novice bikini competitior and I had to drop 60 lbs before I could compete,
  • deebelky
    deebelky Posts: 32 Member
    just bought some raw ACV tonight and had my first drink. i loved it! it was even fizzy. i thought it was a bit tart, but it was refreshing. i have ulcerative colitis, but it is kept at bay with meds. i am looking forward to seeing how this helps my digestion. i do eat clean and have trouble every now and then, but not near as much as i thought i would have and people tell me i will have with the UC. it seems to do my body well--in spite of the disease. cheers to ACV.
  • juliexiuu
    juliexiuu Posts: 118
    Is Matcha Green Tea also sold in the regular supermarket? :s
  • Any news on the sunflower seeds progress? I picked up the lemon water habit about a week ago after I first saw it here, and I can't find anything on the internet that disputes it! I'd say it's working, although it's such a small amount of bloat to see that you really just have to wait and feel it out. Now that I think about it, I haven't had any stomach pains after eating like I used to, and I'm eating proper portion sizes. Maybe it's because my posture sucks, lol. It's funny how we sometimes forget how things use to be worse when you're getting used to seeing results :]
  • VictorW2
    VictorW2 Posts: 18
    All these tips are great advise . Water is a huge gift to the body . Make sure your are getting enough 2-3 liters a day. 3 for men and 2 for women. If it can be alkaline it's even better, the lemon helps with that. And make sure you are getting more weight training and less cardio. Like Watch your protein intake, this strips away fat from the body too! 6 Small meals a day keep your metabolism high and burning fat consistently.
    Hope all that helps ! To your ultimate success !
  • akjmart2002
    akjmart2002 Posts: 263 Member
    No food will target a specific area for fat loss... only a caloric deficit, exercise, and patience will do the trick. The body decides on its own where to reduce first.
  • No food will target a specific area for fat loss... only a caloric deficit, exercise, and patience will do the trick. The body decides on its own where to reduce first.

    I could not agree more!
  • I'm glad to hear you say this. I have 7 to 8 pounds to lose, have exercised every day and reduced my calories and not a pound has come off yet. But I shall persevere! : )