Hi everyone! I am going to start our group out with its first challenge. Each week we will have different challenges that let us become healthier and closer to our body and fitness goals.

This week we are having a food challenge to kick off our group.

Challenge: Choose ONE of your biggest cheats for food and pick an alternative to eat for an ENTIRE WEEK. We want these to be challenging but realistic. That means you don't have to replace your daily candy bar with celery sticks. YOU pick the alternative. If you need some ideas of good alternatives, definitely post and we can all help you come up with ideas.. Or you can choose to limit your quantity.

Here are some examples:
Current vice: a bowl of ice cream Alternative: 1 dark chocolate truffle
Current vice: fried foods Alternative: grill everything
Current vice: soda Alternative: iced tea or sparkling flavored water
Current vice: ranch dressing Alternative: olive oil and vinegar

So if you want to do the challenge, please fill out this poll and post below.
1. What's the cheat you are cutting out?
2. What's the alternative?

Use this thread to log in and let us know your progress. We will check in on Wed, FEB 1st and post the results of who participated in the challenge. I will be keeping a point system and the more challenges you participate in and complete the higher your points will go.


  • 1. What's the cheat you are cutting out? candy
    2. What's the alternative? fruit

    This is going to take a crazy amount of will power from me. I eat a LOT of candy and it's the number one thing I crave.
  • BeatlesGirl20
    BeatlesGirl20 Posts: 15 Member
    1. What's the cheat you are cutting out? Diet Coke
    2. What's the alternative? Other low cal drinks or water

    I love diet coke but i know it is awful for me I had one today haha but that will be my last one. No more brian cancer lol
  • 1. What's the cheat you are cutting out? not drinking enough water
    2. What's the alternative? drinking 60 oz of water a day

    Sorry this isn't really a vice and alternative, but it's something I really need to work on.
  • BeetleChe13
    BeetleChe13 Posts: 498 Member
    Oooh... I had to go back through my diary entries to find a vice for this one, since I already cut out fast food. (I used to be able to count on one hand how many meals I ate at home each week.) So, I see I consistently go over in sugar. By triple my preset goal.

    1. What's the cheat you are cutting out? Excess sugar, especially processed
    2. What's the alternative? Limiting my sugar to ideally 50g/day, no more than 68g max. (Goal is 34g). This should only allow for my morning coffee and some fruit.
  • shady81x
    shady81x Posts: 290
    1. What's the cheat you are cutting out? Fast Food :(
    2. What's the alternative? Have a meal at the food court or at home instead

    omg... I can hear the KFC drumstick calling out to me T_T
  • Lizi19
    Lizi19 Posts: 180 Member
    1. What's the cheat you are cutting out? Soda. I started drinking/craving it again :/
    2. What's the alternative? Water and more water, followed by some water
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    I am cutting out sugar in my tea. There is no replacement. :-)
  • adjoa84
    adjoa84 Posts: 261 Member
    1. What's the cheat you are cutting out? For the rest of the week I'd like to cut out all types of convenience food/fast food - specifically pizza and chips. There isn't an alternative for now.
  • I need to try and cut out coffee, since I can only drink it with the yummy stuff that is oh so bad for you (french vanilla creamer)......this is a hard thing to cut out when I'm always looking forward to my coffee first thing in the morning....does anyone have any ideas for me to help me take coffee out of my daily routine????
  • NikkiRoxx
    NikkiRoxx Posts: 13 Member
    1. What's the cheat you are cutting out? Peanut Butter (I know this isn't awful but if you know me you would understand LOL. I have to have it under lock and key)
    2. What's the alternative? Avocado
  • Cruz2Fit
    Cruz2Fit Posts: 159 Member
    1. Snacks after dinner (7pm).
    2. Hot green tea.
  • need to try and cut out coffee, since I can only drink it with the yummy stuff that is oh so bad for you (french vanilla creamer)......this is a hard thing to cut out when I'm always looking forward to my coffee first thing in the morning....does anyone have any ideas for me to help me take coffee out of my daily routine????

    I can't do without my morning coffee either.... and I drink the same way... with creamer. I've been trying to limit sugar, so I moved to the sugar free creamer and it really isn't bad at all. The fat free is awful, but the sugar free is pretty good. I also limit myself to one cup each morning, no more. I consider it a necessity for the health and sanity of me and the rest of my family in the morning. :) I'm not nice w/o it.
  • nikkicormier82
    nikkicormier82 Posts: 101 Member
    i am going to cut out 3 things...booze, chips, and pizza!
    alternatives will be: water or homemade smoothies, rice cakes or crispy minis, and well...there is no replacing the love of my life:PIZZA :(

    The booze thing is going to be hard:(
  • Rebeccasobel
    Rebeccasobel Posts: 4 Member
    Cutting out :
    all crunchy snacky foods - chips, cheeze its etc , alternatives carrots, celery, apples w/ peanut butter
    not eating food left on my kids plates (which equals a ton of exta calories I never even think about)

    Need to stop snacking before bed - trying to ween myself slowly and instead of snacking on bad snacks eating and orange or a handful of nuts
  • er1nya
    er1nya Posts: 87
    Cutting out: Possessed Foods: Granola bars, Crackers, Chips
    Replacing: Homemade chips from Corn Tortillas, carrots/celery sticks!
  • 1. What's the cheat you are cutting out?
    eating out! If i cut this out, I'll be saving money and making healthier choices.

    2. What's the alternative?
    home made meals, even a sandwich will do, but no RAMEN or canned salty foods. This is going to be a tough one.
  • 1. What's the cheat you are cutting out? Desserts (especially brownies w/ ice-cream) & Juices
    2. What's the alternative? Fruit Smoothies w/ Low-Fat Yogurt & Tea, Sparkling Water, Water instead of Juices
  • vallesmines
    vallesmines Posts: 23 Member
    Cheat I'm cutting: snacking after 7PM
    Replacement: gum or exercise
  • I need to try and cut out coffee, since I can only drink it with the yummy stuff that is oh so bad for you (french vanilla creamer)......this is a hard thing to cut out when I'm always looking forward to my coffee first thing in the morning....does anyone have any ideas for me to help me take coffee out of my daily routine????

    Try Matcha green tea.. it's a lot different than green tea bag.. it's a powder you mix so it makes a richer, espresso textureed type drink and it's ridiculously good for you. You can find it online. I don't need sweeteners for mine but honey or a little skim milk would probably be fine.

    Or maybe try the coffee with cinnamon/ nutmeg and skim milk?
  • i am going to cut out 3 things...booze, chips, and pizza!
    alternatives will be: water or homemade smoothies, rice cakes or crispy minis, and well...there is no replacing the love of my life:PIZZA :(

    The booze thing is going to be hard:(

    Alcohol is really hard for me too, like nearly impossible to cut completely since socializing seems to revolve around it! I am just trying to cut back to 2 a week. And instead of fruity drinks, just doing a vodka/club soda w lime or a glass of wine.