Do you work out in the morning or night?



  • rachaela06
    rachaela06 Posts: 167
    Both, for the morning, my alarm is across the room and my clothes and shoes are right next to it. Usually I do a quick workout in the morning. I really do a much tougher workout in the evening, I have more time then. I find I sleep much better if I finish my workout about an hour before I go to bed. I can't stand having a desk job, I feel like a slug if I don't workout.
  • 1989Angela
    1989Angela Posts: 14
    I work from 8 am till 5 pm and go to the gym right after work. I wake up to get ready for work @5:45 am , so I can't imagine getting up even earlier. I read a lot that it's better to work out in the morning because your body burns 300% more calories on an empty stomach in the morning. I wish I could do it, but work schedule doesn't allow it.
  • Meegz84
    Meegz84 Posts: 74
    I would do morning when I could if it wasn't for the fact I start work at 6am.
    I work out M/W/Th arvo's.. really noticing the difference with winter settling in and how dark it is when we finish training..
    Saturdays is nice and early which I don't mind although its hard to warm up so early :-)
  • amonkey794
    amonkey794 Posts: 651 Member
    Afternoon person. :)
  • CourtneyV89
    CourtneyV89 Posts: 3 Member
    Night! Busy schedule and long commute make night the only time during the week. The weekends i try for morning. I would love to do morning everyday but I already get up at 5, and don't think I would function if I got up earlier!!
  • Nana2527
    Nana2527 Posts: 26 Member
    I work out in the mornings....Early in the mornings. I used to work out in the evening but I would constantly have something come up so I would have to miss.

    When I finally but my mind to it, I started waking up at 4am and was at the GYM by 4:30 or so. Lately I have found myself to become more lazy so sometimes I won't get up until 5am but then it cuts down on my workout since I have to be back home by 6:15am to start getting ready for work.

    I put my alarm and make sure that I set it farther so that I forces me to get up from bed. Once you are up, it shouldn't be a problem. I recently won a weight loss contest at work just keeping my mind on track and going to work out everyday. It gives you so much energy throughout the day that I would actually feel so sloppy and yucky on the days I would miss or wake up too late.

    Push yourself to your goals and make yourself work out any way possible!!!
  • briebebe
    briebebe Posts: 21
    I workout in the morning during my 21 month olds nap. I can get a good workout in, stretch, and relax a bit. Then after dinner I'll take an hour long walk. I haven't been able to workout for a week, but in a few more days I hope my back starts feel better and I'll start walking again. No weights for a bit.
  • AshDrews
    AshDrews Posts: 10
    I like work out in the morning, preferable on an empty stomach.
    Long walks after dinner are always nice too.
  • HannahDiaz25
    HannahDiaz25 Posts: 104
    On Mon, Wed and Fri I get up a little bit early and take a brisk 30 minute walk with my hubby (This is supposed to turn into a walk/jog and then a jog as we get in better shape and adjust to the 7000 foot altitude here in CO!)

    Every week day I do the eliptical machine at work on my lunch break for 30 minutes and fifteen minutes of stretching or weights or ab stuff.

    On top of that I try to do a 20-30 minute session of yoga in the evenings at least two ore three days a week PLUS longer sessions on the weekends.

    I also try to do atleast a couple out door activities on the weekends (but avoid the gym or I get burnt out) I garden, hike, or play frisbee or whatever outdoorsy thing I can find to do.

    I find that by breaking up my workouts into little peices through out the day I stay motivated and energized.
    Its way easier for me to think "Oh I'll just go to the office gym for my lunch" Then to think "Oh jeeze now I have to go do my two hour torture session!" haha!
  • miss_muse
    miss_muse Posts: 12 Member
    I would work out in the AM if I could, but I get up at 5:30 so that would be a little insane. I'm forced to work out after work and it's less than ideal....jealous of those of you who have work at 9!!
  • skcardiog
    skcardiog Posts: 316 Member
    Weekdays - Evenings

    Weekends - Morning
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    Weekdays - I get up at 5:45 to workout
    Weekends - whenever
  • Kali2024
    Kali2024 Posts: 73 Member
    nights.. I seriously cannot move in the morning..I need the stored energy from the day to get me through my workouts.
  • tuusannuuska
    I try to work out through out the day. I'm currently looking for a job so it's not like I haven't got the time to work out whenever. The time I e n j o y working out the most varies, but I'm definitely not a morning person. Most often I do my cardio a little past noon and then save strength and balance/flexibility for the evenings.
  • Baby_sway86
    Baby_sway86 Posts: 62 Member
    I have been doing work out videos in the morning for the motivation to go out, but I go to the gym before dinner.
    I seem to be doing it strange, r u only meant to work out once a day?
  • Hexahedra
    Hexahedra Posts: 894 Member
    Weekdays - Evenings

    Weekends - Morning

    Me too.

    My gym doesn't open until 7 AM, so weekday morning workout is no go.
  • lissa133
    lissa133 Posts: 2
    Hey ladies I'm new and just join. I like working out in morning it makes me feel better and have morning energy through out the day
  • blodk66
    blodk66 Posts: 60 Member
  • DopeyDudleyDursley
    I tend to like jogging in the morning and then if I am planning on doing a different exercise like cycling/yoga I like to do these at nighttime. I am a little strange. :laugh:
  • stefi2107
    stefi2107 Posts: 52 Member
    I go to the gym at 430 then go home change, go to work, walk for 30 minutes during lunch and then go back to the gym on my way home from work most days.. no matter what I do the morning routine because I have no excuse for not going but at night I can find excuses not to go.