Just wanted to say HI

clmcneil Posts: 11 Member
Just wanted to introduce myself. I have been part of the group for almost a month and have been reading the posts...but that’s about it. Feeling a little creepy in my 'behind the scenes' roll so thought I would say HI.

Been vegan since January 2nd, mainly vegetarian last year. I am SOOOO happy with my choice to go vegan and I know my body is too. It has been tough avoiding the treats etc in the office but I know there are SO many reasons to stay away.

Anyways, friend me if you like. I do not have many people in my life that are vegan so more support is always nice to have.



  • tigerdactyl
    tigerdactyl Posts: 112 Member
    Welcome aboard! I've been vegan for about 15 months now and loving it.

    I find that the toughest part of being vegan is figuring out what you can and can't eat. I never have the desire to cheat, but the world still makes it difficult by putting dairy in almost EVERYTHING!