AHHH Just got YLOD

spinedocmfp Posts: 109 Member
I always thought these things just happened to other people. :(
Just tried the upside down dryer trick, waiting for it to cool off.
Wish me luck.


  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    My condolences.
  • spinedocmfp
    spinedocmfp Posts: 109 Member
    no luck :(
    Now to decide if I spend 130 on a fix, or 230 on a new one. I am leaning toward a new one, hopefully something goes on sale soon. I do have my 360 and Wii, but I was in the middle of a COD BLOP addiction and I am disgruntled.
  • Poetic_
    Poetic_ Posts: 269 Member
    I had my launch 60gb fatty finally die in Novemember, I just bought a new slim instead. But I might get it fixed so I can play PS2 games.