Which BMR to use

Wondering which BMR did you choose the one from MFP or from another site. The one from MFP sets my BMR @ 1365 another site has me @ 1367 and then another other ones have me at 1452 or 1453. Just wondering what other people have used as the BMR sets all the other components to this method.

My stats are:
34 yr old female that's 5'4
I am a stay at home mom who is fairly active during the day (so I would multiple my BMR by 1.3)
I work out 6-7 times a week & workouts are 60-90 min long usually burning between 500-800 calories


  • jujuwoome
    I would add them all up and average them out and use that figure.
  • kristelpoole
    kristelpoole Posts: 440 Member
    I get different numbers all over, so I just averaged them out and then rounded up slightly so I'm either eating AT or JUST ABOVE my BMR, but probably not UNDER. Good luck to you!
  • shapestocome
    shapestocome Posts: 476 Member
    Yes, I use the mfp one but I use a range from 1300 -1400 calories my bmr is 1306, And I have been very successful doing it this way. I usually use the higher number when I have more exercise. I also have a bodymedia and my TDEE is very close to what mfp uses (maintenance plus my exercise).