Better sex?

MrCook49 Posts: 17 Member
I guess this is more for the "over 40" guys...but all replies are welcome!
Has anyone found that their sexual performance is better? If so, in what way? I've had some ED issues since my heart attack. Not all the time, but on occasion. I'm hoping after losing some weight, that may improve.

Anyone noticed a difference?


  • MrCook49
    MrCook49 Posts: 17 Member
    Wow! Silence...

    Apparently losing weight doesn't help the sex life. Who knew! :smile:
  • blissfuldrake
    blissfuldrake Posts: 128 Member
    I'm sure no one wants to talk about ED issues.

    I'm not a guy, but I will tell you that just because you have ED, you don't have to be a disappointment in the bedroom...there are WAY too many toys and variations out there to let that hold you back. (having been married to a man with ED) . Other than that, if your ED was related to emotional problems or self-image problems, I would think it would improve...with the appropriate mind set. However, you said you had a heart attack. Those are often coupled with atherosclerosis, and that permeates the entire system of blood vessels, including those in the penis. THAT alone can cause ED. You are taking better care of yourself, and with the proper medication I'll bet you will experience relief from this particular curse.
  • sirihermine
    sirihermine Posts: 123 Member
    Yes, sex is so much better, but that's mainly because I actually have more energy and we therefore have sex ;)