Splurging broke the spell!

Thanks to all the mommas that gave me support when I was stuck a few days ago. I was literally on the ledge wondering what was wrong with me. Ypu were all right, it seems as inadvertantly I did put my body into some "starvation mode" cycle because I had spent that last week eating under 1000 cals and working out over an hour everyday. So I was still stuck yesterday and decided to just eat. Not binge, but if I wanted it to eat it in moderation I did just that. I had some of hubby's popcorn and nachos at the movies. Then we went to O'Charleys and I had something besides salad and salmon! Fried chicken tenders, rolls with butter and brownie al la mode for dessert. I did my best to count everything but was gonna go over if I had to. I still went to Zumba last night as well. Go figure this morning I lost a pound! I read that when your metabolism starts to slow down just giving it an a good fat filled meal will put it back to work! So I am back on track today. I am definitely going to stick to my 1200 cals a day now and have learned my lesson !


  • amammaa4
    amammaa4 Posts: 187 Member
    Glad things turned around for you :) and way to get right back on track
  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
    Yay! So there's hope for me yet. I've had a bit of a rough few days diet and otherwise. I've cut myself some slack. But tomorrow is a new day and I'm back to the grindstone. Hopefully, my "jump start" will be as positive and helpful as yours was. ;)
  • PlndrBunny
    I have definitely done that before! Its so hard and frustrating sometimes! Glad you got to have some little treats AND it helped!! Those are the best kinds of treats!