Are you an emotional eater?

“In my anguish I cried to the Lord and he answered by setting me free” – Psalm 118:5

Food addictions are very real. They are addictions the same as alcohol or pornography. You can use food to suppress your emotions and allow you to escape your problems. You can become trapped in a cycle of guilt and denial about your health.

Do you feel God wants you to have the courage to ask for professional help or counseling to set you free?


  • TiffanyL71
    I sought counseling during the 1st Challenge for personal issues that I knew were contributing to my emotional eating behavior. It was so liberating and healing. As I stated yesterday I can honestly say I no longer turn to food for emotional reasons.

    During the 2nd challenge we had a speaker who talked about food addictions. I wish I could remembers specifics but she share with us facts about how food can affect us chemically in the very same way drugs do. That’s why we can truly “become addicted” to eating. Thanks to Cathy I also read the “Made to Crave” book and learned a lot about how God intentionally made us to crave. But, to crave Him. Its so amazing how she enlightens us on scriptures that tell us how God intended for us to have a desire to crave. But to crave him not food. And once I got that figured out and started focusing on prayer and God it quickly became more natural to do so. However I don’t think it would’ve been so easy had I not sought out counseling to address the issues in my life that made me ride my emotional roller coaster. So I encourage you if you know you have an emotional eating problem ask for help. It can’t hurt anything and most like will help!!