Snack/Meal ideas

DavyHolly Posts: 44 Member
I am not a sacrificial dieter. A lot of people aren't. I am not good at giving up the things I love and substituting them for vegetables and...and no fat stuff.

So I need low calorie, or nutritional options that don't taste like dirt, and I'm sure a lot of people agree.

So, this thread is to give people ideas! Include recipes, portion sizes, where to buy it.

Here's some things I do personally so I don't go insane:


34 degress natural crispbreads with laughing cow light creamy swiss wedges.
Oh. My. Gosh. The texture is great, crispy and wafery and amazing, but get this. TWENTY CRACKERS, 130 calories. Are you serious? Do you know how many Ritz crackers it takes to make 130 calories? 7.5. That's not even eight crackers. And a wedge of laughing cow cheese? 30 calories. But, here's the best part.

Spreading the cheese on the crackers is tedious and hard, but it's WORTH IT to get the amazing texture! SO, by the time I eat around 7 crackers, I feel satisfied. Also, I'm usually out of cheese, because the cheese comes in PRE-PACKAGED WEDGES. This, my friends, means that my snack was only 80 calories or less. And it's fairly balanced with carbs, fats, proteins and such!


2 ounces of spaghetti is only 200 calories. But once it's cooked, two ounces of spaghetti looks light a freaking mountain. A MOUNTAIN OF SPAGHETTI GOODNESS. Add half a cup of spaghetti sauce for 80 calories, and you have a 280 calories main dish. A decent amount of carbs, but for me it's still mostly guilt free. Add a glass of juice, and apple, or a v8, and BAM, 300 calories of healthy goodness.


Fruit salad.

Fruit salaaaad.

Low calories, great for you, and yummy. It takes a little time but, oh well.

NOW, friends, give me YOUR suggestions for great meals and snacks!


  • silversong24
    silversong24 Posts: 409 Member
    Shepherd's Pie!
    The stuff is awesome AND filling!

    My Way=
    6 ounces Ham or any type of Hillshire Farms sausage
    1 cup carrots
    1.5 cups green beans (I use Great Value brand frozen veggies)
    1 package brown gravy made into gravy as per package instructions (again great value brand)
    3 cups mashed potatoes (made without salt)
    1.5 cups cheese (great value fiesta blend)

    Dice up and warm the meat, while gravy is cooking. Throw the meat into the bottom of a casserole dish and add in veggies (still frozen is fine). Top all this with the gravy and mix it together. Spread evenly across the bottom and then spread potatoes across everything else. Bake for 30 minutes at 350-400 (not an exact science here), top with cheese and bake until cheese is melted and gooey. Makes 8 portions at roughly 131 calories per (depends on meat, amount of veggies, etc). LOVE THIS STUFF!!