This is not going to be easy!

ajkarish Posts: 3 Member
My name is Angela and I have been on MFP since the 6th of January. I LOVE that I have to keep the food diary and feel like it has really helped y. Thus far I have lost 11 pounds. This week was hard, as it was my birthday and I did cheat. However, I only went over my calories one day:) I have t oadmit that exercise is my downfall--I go to water aerobics once a week and I try to get on my treadmill, but by the time I have time in my schedule (Three children, church, and seventh grade English teacher) I just want to sit and relax. Trying to read 11/22/63 while on the treadmill--that seems to help some.


  • Pizzagirl50
    Pizzagirl50 Posts: 112 Member
    It's never easy but making time for you is key to success. My 6 year old loves to "bug" me while I'm on the treadmill and I work full time so I understand your time constraint as I'm in it too. Every little bit helps. Let's do this!
  • Kandygirl
    Kandygirl Posts: 249 Member
    i listen to music or books when i run/walk. its the only thing that keeps me going too. its hard with kids, i have 3 too. you can do it though. just keep going.
  • nmzeta
    nmzeta Posts: 381 Member
    Happy Birthday Angela! 11 lbs in 3 weeks is AWESOME! You are doing great!
  • threasarenee
    threasarenee Posts: 78 Member
    wow 11 pds in 3 weeks is awesome. congrats!
  • allenpearcy
    allenpearcy Posts: 227 Member
    Hi Angela, it sounds like you are doing great on logging your food! Just treat excercise the same way and get creative! Use the site I suggested ( for ideas. For example, a 175lb person can burn 50+ calories just by doing 10 minutes of light stretching. Good luck!