Accountability thread...

Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
So, is anyone interested in having some kind of accountability thread - a place where we can check in with our stats, celebrate our successes, bemoan our lousy days, and encourage one another through this journey to a healthier body? I'm not shy, so I'll be happy to start the discussion with my current stats and what I'm doing to transform myself:

Resalyn (aka Theresa)
SW: 289 (last Thanksgiving)
CW: 245 (down 44 pounds so far)
GW: 150 (dunno, that might be too low - I'll see how I feel as I get into onederland)

Method: I've lost those 44 pounds primarily doing low-carb, but have hit a wall the past few months and actually started gaining weight back. I had lost almost 60 pounds total at one point, but it's slowly coming back on. So now I'm doing MFP calories in/out and have gone back to actively working out again.

Exercise: I do minimum 40 mins of fat-burning cardio M-W-F and strength training M-W-F