personal goals: february

chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
hey, all you of a vampish (or wolfish) persuasion! i just thought it would be cool to have a thread running for any personal goals you have for the month that are not in the february challenge.

here's mine:

at least 10 cups of water per day - preferably 12.
*stop* eating crap because the scale won't move - that certainly doesn't help matters!
run a 5k three times per week and shave off 30 seconds by the end of the month.
log my food everyday - i need to up my accountability.

what say you?


  • wigglelee
    love this group!! reading every bit of it,,lol

    my goals is to go 6 days a week, ripped in 30,
    no chips or chocolate or any of that crap this month.
    increase my water intake.
    Loose 10 pounds.
    Start 242 today,
    Jan goal was to loose 10,, started at 253, ) this is achieved, and am dedicated to make thoses goals reality too!!!
    best luck to you all in your feb, goals,,,, breaking dawn part 1 coming out this month,,I CAN"T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!! to see it~!!!
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    Cool, I'm in........ (on a side note, ,y FB group is having a 300 glasses of water challenge for Feb. ;-) )

    I want 300 glasses of water :-P
    I want to (for the entire month) be over my sugar by no more than 150grams.
    I want to hit my next mini goal of 161 (I am currently at 165.4)

    On another note. I plateaued for 3 months, began actively tracking sugar 1/17 and have lost 5 pounds!!!!!!! Soooooooo, the sugar tracking thing is VITAL to reaching the 161 goal LOL
  • JackieMac979
    JackieMac979 Posts: 189 Member
    My Feb goals:

    -stick to my plan (weight loss & food goals) despite my husband's return, to include home/restaurants
    -80 to 120 oz of water per day
    -Continue Couch to 5 K training
    -Attend my very first 5K on the 25th (to walk/run) and hopefully bring my husband, son, and dog
    -Log in to MFP every day

    -I'd really like to lose 14 pounds this month! Average 3.5 lbs/week *(yes I know it's a high goal for MFP standards)
    Weight on Feb 1: 266.6, so my target is 252.6 on 2/29. *crossing my fingers*
  • clairelane1982
    My main goal is to actually achieve my weight goal for the month... I never wuite make it and it is really frustrating.

    Am starting @ 215lbs, would like to be at 209lbs by 29/2
    Do at least 3 days of exercise a week (more if possible)
    Not to have any weeks of gain or plateu......

    Lets get it on...........
  • sccamero
    sccamero Posts: 164 Member
    My personal goals are to:
    get to be 183.
    drink 12 cups of water a day
    exercise every other day.
    remember to log everything.
  • zzzzia
    zzzzia Posts: 295 Member
    My personal goals are:
    - Log my food at least 80% of the time
    - Drink 2L water everyday
    - Exercise at least 4 times a week (cardio)
    - 2 toning sessions a week....
    - Break the plateau I have been on for over 2 months,...and maybe lose 5-6 lbs over the month. Totally realistic.
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    On another note. I plateaued for 3 months, began actively tracking sugar 1/17 and have lost 5 pounds!!!!!!! Soooooooo, the sugar tracking thing is VITAL to reaching the 161 goal LOL

    this is great news! i haven't gotten up the nerve to track my sugar - i think i like having my fun dip and chocolate too much!
  • ScarlettVamp
    ScarlettVamp Posts: 828 Member
    If I can get over this sinus infection and my work schedule lets up like it's supposed to, I hope to meet these February goals:

    1) Exercise 3 times per week for at least 30 minutes

    2) Lay off the crappy carb heavy take-out dinners

    3) Get more sleep. I'm averaging 6 hrs per night max and it's just not enough.

    I want to lose 5 lbs this month which would put me at 186. Mostly I want to get out of the 190s....I've been in them since Thanksgiving.
  • w8sarge
    w8sarge Posts: 3,874 Member
    1) Stay under my calories:ohwell:
    2) Do the AbFab Feb Challenge:tongue:
    3) Reach my monthly goal weight this time!:grumble:
    4) Eat at least one raw and one cooked veggie every day:wink:
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,048 Member
    1) Get under 160 pounds! I remember thinking that I probably would never get under 170.:smile:
    2) Stay under calories every day. :ohwell:
    3) Get the Breaking Dawn DVD and watch it at least 10 times.:bigsmile: :love: :bigsmile: :love: :bigsmile: :love: :bigsmile: :love:
  • wigglelee
    1) Get under 160 pounds! I remember thinking that I probably would never get under 170.:smile:
    2) Stay under calories every day. :ohwell:
    3) Get the Breaking Dawn DVD and watch it at least 10 times.:bigsmile: :love: :bigsmile: :love: :bigsmile: :love: :bigsmile: :love:
    hahahaha your number 3 is on my list too,,,,,
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    My Feb goals:

    -stick to my plan (weight loss & food goals) despite my husband's return, to include home/restaurants
    -80 to 120 oz of water per day
    -Continue Couch to 5 K training
    -Attend my very first 5K on the 25th (to walk/run) and hopefully bring my husband, son, and dog
    -Log in to MFP every day

    -I'd really like to lose 14 pounds this month! Average 3.5 lbs/week *(yes I know it's a high goal for MFP standards)
    Weight on Feb 1: 266.6, so my target is 252.6 on 2/29. *crossing my fingers*

    Awesome on your First 5K! You are really going to enjoy it.
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    The challenges I have for February are:

    :smokin: Quit living in the 60's--- the 160's that is.
    Want to see that number move on the scale, even if it is 159.999 when the month of February is over.

    :love: Walking in a Trail 5K on February 4th.
    I've been on a roll, my very first was in November and I've walked in one each month since then. This will be the first time on a trail instead of paved streets. Not trying to beat any specific time, this will be more challenging in my opinion. (Hoping the rain coming in doesn't ruin it or get it cancelled)

    :smooched: Trying to find a 5K for March.
    I've got the bug, and I want to do one each month if at all possible. Avoiding the huge St. Patty's day event, I don't like huge crowds.:grumble:

    :blushing: Using weights. I am good about getting out and walking, but not good about strength training. I know that is important. When the weather fails me, I'll be more inclined to stay inside and git-r-dun.
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,048 Member
    The challenges I have for February are:

    :smokin: Quit living in the 60's--- the 160's that is.
    Want to see that number move on the scale, even if it is 159.999 when the month of February is over.

    :love: Walking in a Trail 5K on February 4th.
    I've been on a roll, my very first was in November and I've walked in one each month since then. This will be the first time on a trail instead of paved streets. Not trying to beat any specific time, this will be more challenging in my opinion. (Hoping the rain coming in doesn't ruin it or get it cancelled)

    :smooched: Trying to find a 5K for March.
    I've got the bug, and I want to do one each month if at all possible. Avoiding the huge St. Patty's day event, I don't like huge crowds.:grumble:

    :blushing: Using weights. I am good about getting out and walking, but not good about strength training. I know that is important. When the weather fails me, I'll be more inclined to stay inside and git-r-dun.

    Awesome goals! Let's both stop living in the 60's!
  • sykin
    sykin Posts: 1,676 Member
    Exercise regularly again - at least 20 minutes 4 times a week.
    Get back up to 8 glasses of water a day!
    Get comfortable in a size 12P pants. They fit, but they're still a little snug on me for my liking (though my BFF tells me they fit just fine and I'm not used to wearing clothes that fit right).
  • fluffytuf
    Go back to square one and start with just one basic sacrifice...anything with sugar and refined breads and cereals. For now, whole grains allowed.
    My son lost 30 lbs in about 4 months by only eliminating sugar and carbs....ate only meat, vegetables and very limited fruit. Didn't cut out any fat at all...bacon and eggs for breakfast (I wouldn't recommend daily). Sugar is the killer.
  • JackieMac979
    JackieMac979 Posts: 189 Member
    How did everyone do? Although I did lose some weight in Feb, I didn't make my goal. Hoping for a better March!
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    Cool, I'm in........ (on a side note, ,y FB group is having a 300 glasses of water challenge for Feb. ;-) )

    I want 300 glasses of water :-P
    I want to (for the entire month) be over my sugar by no more than 150grams.
    I want to hit my next mini goal of 161 (I am currently at 165.4)

    On another note. I plateaued for 3 months, began actively tracking sugar 1/17 and have lost 5 pounds!!!!!!! Soooooooo, the sugar tracking thing is VITAL to reaching the 161 goal LOL

    1... Check, I didn't log a few days, but I drink sooooo much (usually 14+)
    2.... FAIL!!!!! Horribly Miserably FAIL!!!!!!!!!! 392 over!
    3..... Sigh!.... Kinda fell off the sugar tracking wagon due to my BIL's b-day. Just clawed my way back on last week.... I didn't reach the 161, but I did lose a little itty bitty bit! 0.6 pounds.... Stupid sugar!