New and need help please

JennC831 Posts: 628 Member
Question #1: Do I use the BMR of the weight I want to be or the weight I am currently??

Question#2: Do I add in my burn exercise calories?

Question #3: I work at a desk all day so would I multiply my BMR by 1.2 or 1.3 for maintenance?

Could someone give me an example of how the Goal/Food/Exercise/Net/Remaining should look like for exercise days and non-exercise days????

Thank you so much!!

I'm currently 165 height 5'5.... I would like to weigh 145-150....


  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 833 Member
    Hi! I decided to respond here instead of your message so that everyone could get the benefit of the answers! :flowerforyou:
    I've recently joined the group and seen that you started doing this method; have you had success with it? If so, how much have you lost? I wan to try it out but have some questions, do you think you could help me?

    I have had success with this method. I began this method on December 2nd at 190.6 lbs., and, as of this morning, weighed in at 175.4 lbs. -- 15.2 lbs. in 2 months. My average weekly deficit ranges from 5250 (deficit needed for 1.5 lb. loss per week) and 7000 (deficit needed for 2.0 lb. loss per week), so an average loss of 1.7 pounds per week is right on target.

    The thing about this method is it gives you control over your deficit. It is not a magic formula that will help you to lose weight faster. MFP's method is not necessarily bad either - I lost 60 lbs. that way! I switched to this method because I like having the control over my deficit and not feeling guilty for only having a 250 calorie deficit one day and then a 1000 calorie deficit the next. When I had my goals set to a 1.0 lb. loss per week, the 250 deficit day would have told me that I was over my calories by 250 calories - which makes it looked like you "failed" for the day, when in all honesty, you did GREAT because you ate less than maintenance!!!
    Question #1: Do I use the BMR of the weight I want to be or the weight I am currently??

    Question#2: Do I add in my burn exercise calories?

    Question #3: I work at a desk all day so would I multiply my BMR by 1.2 or 1.3 for maintenance?

    Could someone give me an example of how the Goal/Food/Exercise/Net/Remaining should look like for exercise days and non-exercise days????

    Thank you so much!!

    I'm currently 165 height 5'5.... I would like to weigh 145-150....

    Question 1: You use the BMR of your current weight. As you lose weight, you will need to adjust how many calories you eat each day as your BMR decreases. Your BMR is the minimum number of calories you should eat each day.

    Question 2: You eat your exercise calories as needed (if you are hungry) or if your burn is high enough to give you a deficit of greater than 1000 calories. If your green number (which is your deficit) is lower than 1000, you do NOT have to eat your exercise calories. This is because you are eating your BMR and your full deficit is not built into your caloric goal like with the MFP method.

    Question 3: With a desk job, your activity level is likely sedentary. You would multiply your BMR by 1.2. You could also set your goals by using the guided method - select your activity level as sedentary and your goal to maintain your weight. It works out the same and you deal with less math.


    BMR: 1250 ---- This is what you eat -- minimum!!
    Maintenance: 1500
    This should be your goal in MFP. Do not eat over this number or you will gain weight.
    Exercise: 275 calories burned

    Sample Day:

    Food Diary --
    Total: 1275 (You CAN eat more than your BMR if you are hungry)
    Your Daily Goal: 1775 (Your maintenance plus exercise calories)
    Remaining: 500 (This is your deficit for the day which should translate into 1.0 lb. of loss per week if EVERY day were like today).

    Home Page --
    Goal: 1500
    Food: 1275
    Exercise: 275
    Net: 1000

    The number reflected in your net calories bucket may seem alarming at first, but because your goal is "inflated" your net will be "deflated" in appearance. If you lower your caloric goal to equal what you ate, your net calories would be in the "normal" range you are used to seeing.
  • JennC831
    JennC831 Posts: 628 Member
    Thank you for your response!!!

    so here's my info:

    BMR: 1484
    Maintenance: 1484 x 1.2= 1780.8 (I'll use 1781)

    So I set my goal for 1781 but eat 1484 or I can round up to 1500 on non-workout days and if I burn more than 703 calories when working out and my remaining is more than 1000 I eat the calories back until its under 1000 again?

    So when I' m looking at my diary or home page the food section needs to total my BMR intake no matter what my net says??
  • JennC831
    JennC831 Posts: 628 Member
    Basically to ensure I lose weight I need the green remaining section to be between 500-1000?
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 833 Member
    Yep! :)