can I still lose the weight?

Hi there! I'm a recent new mom, my daughter is 7 months now, and I'm getting back into the swing of things.
I gained about 45 pounds during pregnancy and have only dropped 20. I also want to get to my ideal weight which would add another 10 pounds to drop. So 30 lbs.
I have a pelvic floor prolapse from childbirth which is preventing me from being active. I'm only 27 and they're saying that I may need a partial historectomy after childbearing! I used to run 2-5K a day, played competitive soccer, and was active within my community. I'm having such a hard time with being perscribed to be sedentary, but with weekly physio I may be able to regain somewhat normalcy- but I will never be like I used to be. So, from here on out I have to be more controlled with my eating because that's the only way I can see a glimmer of hope.
I would love to make some contacts for mutual motivation and to keep me on my NEW path to success and recovery.
I would also like to make new friendsthat have any advice or inspiring stories.

Thanks new friends, see you on the track to success!


  • lwoods34
    lwoods34 Posts: 302 Member
    Hi. Feel free to read my profile and add me for support and motivation! I know that you are being faced with an unexpected road block but you will get through it and get to your goal!